The MEK; the Hypocrites

Democracy As Usual in Iran

… The MKO-MEK can be best described as the Persian speaking wing of the degenerated Iraqi Baath Party and an earlier species of Al Qaeda back in early 1970s– a contemporary of the Red Brigades and the Baadermeinhof terror organizations in Europe. For decades, it has been designated as a terrorist group by most countries. They murdered American military advisers in … MKO was on Saddam’s payroll to kill Iraqi Shiites, in exchange for having a base in Iraq.

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Masud Rajavi’s Marriages

(Memoirs of Ms. Batoul Soltani – Part 16)..During the training process that I passed after I entered into MKO/MEK/PMOI, they never dealt with Masud’s marriage with Firouzeh Banisadr in open organizational arguments. Later on, it was discussed in the higher levels of the Leadership Council. In 1994, we had a meeting in which the arguments about the MKO’s second founders were presented and Masud pointed out his marriage with Firouzeh. I don’t think the issue was transmitted to the meetings in lower levels of the group.

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Iraqi official denies MKO camp under siege

Asked if the government is planning to close down Camp Ashraf, Staff Major General Khalaf says:”As an Interior Ministry, we are responsible for certain matters relating to the camp, such as providing protection for the camp and securing its outer perimeter; guaranteeing the entry of humanitarian goods as stipulated by international agreements – a matter that we handle in transparent fashion; and ensuring that the camp’s residents do not interact with security forces, and all three of these objectives are being met.”

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MKO ex-members’ letter to the President of EP

The aim of the leaders of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI), which Mr Vidal-Quadras is pursuing in the European Parliament very determinedly, is to keep the people in Ashraf cult garrison isolated from the outside world since only in this case could they be trained to execute sabotage activities inside Iraq … We of course do agree with him that a disaster is about to happen and also the fact that the issue of the Ashraf cult garrison is not a political matter but a human rights one. But those who have lost many years of their lives being captive in that garrison would also like to alert international public opinion to the threats against the innocents in that garrison from the MKO leaders.

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Open letter of Mr. Sobhani to Prime Minister of Spain

In 1992 I became an outspoken critic of what is known as the”forced divorces”and of what is known as”armed struggle”. More than that, I criticised what was apparent about the special relations between the organisation and Saddam Hussein, the ousted dictator of Iraq. I was imprisoned for a few months in solitary confinement inside Ashraf camp and over all spent about 8 years in different prisons. .MR. VIDAL QUADRASS visited from Camp of Ashraf in Iraq for more help to this terrorist cult last year. But without any human rights Organisation representative accompanying his good self.,

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The illusion of calling Camp Ashraf a city – 2

Ashraf is the military camp of Mojahedin that has surrendered to a superior power by force and still has the parameters and indices of a military camp like putting on military uniform, running morning rituals, military discipline and tens of other instances of practices exercised in most military camps. The fact is that calling Camp Ashraf a city is so irrelevant and ridiculous that in the report about Camp Ashraf written by Manoochehr Hezarkhani, a member of NCRI(MKO/MEK/PMOI), he looses his control and is strongly impressed after finding some parameters like the existence of marketplace and a graveyard

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MKO instrumental misuse of individuals

Memoirs of Ms. Soltani – Part 11-2 – The organization recruited those who were out of job or those who had other problems and sent them out of the country through various ways… The duty of manpower part was to recruit those who had social problems and to send them abroad. They tricked many people outside and inside the country. They manipulated them using long-term emotional methods or they tried to control their thoughts in order to recruit them. Hence Masud Rajavi could gather a number of them in France.

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Maryam Rajavi’s cult representative in European Parliament

Unfortunately, those who know the MKO best, particularly its victims in Iraq, when they see the orchestrated and vigorous insistence on lies and deception cannot be blamed for believing in the corruptibility of parliament and that these MPs must be being paid for their activities … With the withdrawal from European politics of Portugal’s Paulo Casaca, Maryam Rajavi – who is following a Zionist-style regime change agenda – has apparently selected a replacement in the shape of Spanish MEP Alejo Vidal-Quadras ..

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The illusion of calling Camp Ashraf a city

Release of the book “A report on Ashraf city” written by Mr. Manoochehr Hezarkhani at a time when closing Camp Ashraf is on the agenda of Iraqi government is an interesting point to be elaborated on due to two factors. First, the preparation of this report as a book by a member of NCRI and second, the paradoxes found in its short excerpts on the websites of Mojahedin. However, the readers are recommended to study the preface of this book carefully.

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Maliki’s meeting with MKO ringleader denied

“An advisor to Iraq’s prime minister rejected Nouri Al-Maliki’s meeting with the ringleader of the terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization, Masoud Rajavi”, as posted on a number of Persian websites in the past two days. Speaking to IRNA in Baghdad Sunday, Yasin Majid expressed doubt whether Rajavi was in Iraq and added that the news is wrong and no meeting has taken place.

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