The MEK; the Hypocrites

Some sensible answers to Mojahedin claims

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what reports he has received of alleged attacks on residents in Ashraf City by members of the Iraqi secret service; and if he will make a statement… We are aware that such allegations have surfaced in the Iraqi media. We have discussed these allegations with the US, who retain a presence inside Camp Ashraf, and with the Iraqi government. We have seen no evidence to support the allegations.

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How MKO uses the Internet to spread terrorism

all terrorist groups have their own websites on the Internet, serving their trained terrorists and supporters. They can use the Internet in numerous ways so the threat posed by cyber-terrorism is increasingly on the rise. As a terrorist cult-like group People’s Mujahedin of Iran ( PMOI,MKO, MEK),with its numerous websites uses the World Wide Web to launch its psychological warfare and propaganda ..MKO leader never talk about their cult-like practices toward their members. They never reveal the restrictions they place on their own members’ freedom of expression,

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Ashraf ailing residents, a pressure tool for MKO

… The next point is that Ashraf authorities have no problem in transferring their patients to Iraqi hospitals. However, they refrain to do so. If they are truthful in their claims, the conscience necessitates it to transfer their patients to Iraqi hospitals as soon as possible and put their responsibility on the shoulder of human rights organs and Red Cross Not only the organization feels no blame if the condition of the ailing members get worse…

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MKO backlash over warnings

To cross the red-line drawn by MKO is not at all tolerable by the organization. Take the main bastions of MKO for instance, Camp Ashraf in Iraq and the one situated in Auver-sur-Oise in France. While the organization praises and is much delighted seeing the media and attentions directed to the former, the latter is an inviolable line and prohibited to bring up.

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MKO has huge medicine supplies

In last march Manouchehr Hezar Khani, a high-ranking member of MKO who lives in the Europe together with Maryam Rajavi and some other MKO members, published a book in which he referred to his recent visit to camp Ashraf.In a part of his book, hezar Khani referrers to Ashraf hospital and says:”Ashraf hospital is now the unique source for the treatment of patients within Ashraf city and fortunately,..According to the officials, the hospital is now able to treat all kinds of diseases , it was equipped by many sophisticated medical equipments and tools ..

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Rajavi depicts truth at will

Evidently due to Rajavi’s illusionary ideas and megalomania that seems to be intensified after the fall of Saddam, he assumes a major role for Mojahedin in the future of the US-Iran conflict. Likewise, he even dares to tie global security with his decision makings. Doing so, he aims to deceive the public opinion and make the ground for the settlement of Mojahedin in camp Ashraf.

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MKO Members Bribe Iraqi Politicians

“Available intelligence reports, which are very accurate, indicate that several political figures and groups have taken bribes from the MKO in exchange for their support,”Iraqi National Security Advisor.”From a legal perspective, these briberies have reached a stage where they can be considered criminal activity

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MKO called INSA’s statement “false and misleading”

But of the most noticeable part of the statement is its threatening tone stating “the Iranian Resistance warns that such actions prepare the grounds for a human tragedy..It is natural for a terrorist cult to react against legal moves by a country’s authorized body when it has its own advocates that thoroughly close their eyes on its atrocities and even strive to remove it from terrorist lists.

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Required recruiting tool

“They flatter you in a way that you don’t even realize they are doing so” says Ann Singleton who has once been an MKO/PMOI member. She explains the ways the Organization treated her when it needed to recruit her;” they really put themselves on a pedestal so that when you want to join them you feel special.”Cults know that if they can control your relationships then they can control you.

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Iran pushes Iraq to close MKO camp

Baghdad announced that it planned to close the camp last December, the same month the US reaffirmed the MKO’s”terrorist”status…at least one high-ranking MKO/PMOI/MEK member forced back to Iran received prison time but relatively lenient treatment…The problem for the organization is they haven’t had a martyr for many years.

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