The MEK; the Hypocrites

Ethics defined by the cult of Mojahedin

One of the prevalent issues in studies on cultic relations of MKO is to determine to what extent the group acknowledges application of ethics in its internal as well as external relations. A review of the manifesto and publications of the organization and their ontological viewpoints indicate that MKO tend to equate ethics with their political feelings and ambitions

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The use of politics for MKO

for MKO/PMOI leaders the only definition for politics is the power over their victims including their cult members and Western politicians. Given the use of politics is only to achieve power; the means to reach such a goal is justified to be anything. The means could include resorting to deception and lie to deceive western powerful governments, so dependence has no place in such a policy, ..

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Washington may court moderates WITHIN Iran

The change in tone from Washington toward Tehran is complicated not only by historic acrimony but also by a complex relationship with Iranian opposition movements… the group’s image as a cult with a storied history of terrorist activity, both in Iran and across the globe, makes courting the opposition as a viable avenue for regime change in Iran tenuous at best. The PMOI and the NCRI are both listed by the United States as terrorist organizations for their links to violent opposition to the Iranian regime. President Bill Clinton in 1997 included the PMOI/mko/mek on the U.S. State Department’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations

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MKO’s violence originated in its theory Structure

The recent annual report of the Department of State might not have anything new on the status of the Iranian Mujahedin Khalq Organization/MKO/PMOI/MEK which has been designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization since years ago. But the speech made by Condoleeza Rice following the publication of the new list, which called the group as substantially terrorist, should be taken as serious.

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Exclusivism in the mind control system of the cults

The leaders of MKO cult, as well as ,all other cult leaders try to convince the members that their organization’s belief is the best of the world and eventually they are superior to the other people because they are saved by their leaders and they can since then be the saviors of the world. Ann Singleton, the former member of the cult of Rajavi affirms this fact:” I though I was superior to the world .. I wanted to save the world.” Howcultswork calls such phenomenon as the exclusivism in the mind control system of the cults. According to Howcultswork , the cults prevent the members from joining any other belief or ideology system. The membership in the cult matters.

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Mojahedin-e Khalq wanted American hostages killed

Mojahedin Khalq under the name of National Council of Resistance are trying to politicize their court cases in Paris (terrorism related charges) by portraying themselves on the same side as Israeli hardliners and US neoconservatives. From their own papers, in their own words, the following is a sample of their involvement in the American embassy siege in Tehran as well as their views about Americans and how they should be treated. The Mojahedin was the main force in capturing Americans as well as publishing anti-American and anti-Israeli propaganda in Iran in a specific effort to block any negotiation for the release of the American hostages

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The Mind Control Gun of Mujahedin Leadership

the definition of a modern cult lays in the techniques the cults use to control the members psychologically and sometimes physically. The terrorist cult of MKO has been so successful to function the process of manipulative mind control on its members that the members are purely devoted to the cult leaders and prepared to commit any crime ( Ex. Self- immolations) along with the leaders’ objectives.

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MAHVASH SEPEHRI( NASRIN), who is the second woman in women commanding section after MARYAM RAJAVI and known as prestige demolisher. Actually she is MARYAM RAJAVI’s replacement and her deputy. ..she was helping Maryam Rajavi in theorizing the ideological revolution to make it easier for brainwashing the members of this cult. she was in charge of sending too many operational teams to Iran..SEPEHRI was in charge of the horrifying gathering and sessions called and known as (DIG) which in English version means pot and boiler. In those sessions all the members had to participate and it was totally compulsory and forcibly

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PMOI-NCRI: The Siamese twins of terror!

PMOI / NCRI have the same leaders, the same framework, the same structure, the same practices and sectarian violence. The uniform and the Islamic veil, the insignia of paramilitary type, this shows that PMOI is the NCRI and that, whatever the name used, they are of a single sectarian and terrorist organization: the Mujahideen of the People.

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Ex-member says MEK is like a cult

We have documented serious human rights abuses that the MKO was inflicting on its own members in their camp in Iraq,” said Tom Porteous, the London director of Human Rights Watch. “The organisation … has shown that criticism of leadership is certainly not tolerated..When the European Union removed a militant Iranian opposition group from its blacklist of terrorist organisations last month, it drew not only protestations from Iran but also the contempt of a former member who claims the group is little more than a cult.

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