The MEK; the Hypocrites

Open Letter to President-elect Barak Obama

… However, the worst aspect of artificial, improper American support for this terrorist cult has been that the US army has preserved and protected its military headquarters, Camp Ashraf, in Iraq for five years. Iraqis consider Camp Ashraf to be a Saddamist stronghold and the MEK inside it as a danger to national security …

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Unsaid stories on a castle called Ashraf

(Memories of Batul Soltani – Part 4)Maryam and Masud cheering made an atmosphere and asked the person:” Ok, now what must you give?” Or “what have you hidden?” they pressured the member mentally and at the end he was prepared for divorce. The person had to write and sign the feature of his dependence on his spouse, his problems and thoughts. Then he had continual meetings so as he can ideologically divorce the marriage in his mind. Thus the leaders of Mujahedin/PMOI/MEK/MKO could have a better control on the members’ emotions and feelings. The next step was to cut the remaining emotional point: children.

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UN chief wrote no letter on MKO

UN chief Ban Ki-moon has dismissed a BBC report that he has sent a letter on the situation of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization /MKO/PMOI/MEK. ..The BBC had reported that Ban had voiced concern about the situation of some 3,500 MKO members, who live in Camp Ashraf in Iraq. The report said the UN chief has sent the letter to Iraq’s Foreign Minister on 15 October 2008.

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Is PMOI a democratic organization?

The self-assigned president of the so-called National Council Resistance (which is the political arm and the elegant admirable cover for MEK)without war and with a pen in hand wearing beautiful clothes, recently replied the Italian Newspaper ,Metro, the question on the solution to Iran problem ..

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Auvers-Sur-Oise, the blind spot in the Val d’Oise

in spite of overexposure of Camp Ashraf, why Mojahedin(PMOI/MEK) keep silent on releasing the least amount of information on their main quarters in France where the leaders, on whom the survival and life of the cult depend, are residing and making decisions?…Few of the tourists are aware that the town is now home to an almost cult-like Iranian opposition group, some of whose members have divorced their spouses as an act of loyalty to the cause and whose armed wing is on the State Department’s list of foreign terrorist organizations. The group’s devotion to Mrs. Rajavi is so extreme that some members set themselves on fire when she was briefly detained by the French police two years ago..

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Rajavi’s lingering promise

the main strategy of Mojahedin leadership in recent years has been grabbing hold of empty promises to keep on his illegitimate hold over the body and soul of a number of deceived and ill-fated individuals. Two years ago, Rajavi promised to make the grounds for the overthrow of the Iranian regime up to the U.S presidential election; otherwise, members would be free to either remain in Camp Ashraf (dwelling of Mojahedin rank-and-files in Iraqi soil) or quit the organization.

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Diplomacy of Deception

Since 1981 when the National Council of Resistance of Iran was founded the most influential members has left the council ..the NCRI is the main front organization, for MEK to achieve Western support with its” Diplomacy section” which is under the charge of Mohammad Seyed Al-Mohaddesin…The NCRI, itself includes many other front institutions that launch fundraising activities throughout Europe and North America. By showing pictures of Iranian orphans they solicit large amounts of money

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Behind the smiles of the captives in Ashraf

(Memories of Batoul Soltani – Part 3)I know my children are hostages in MKO/PMOI where they are manipulated. I got to know that my daughter Setareh has been forced to come to Iraq. I know she didn’t want to come to Iraq at all. ..She was told:”your mother has psychological problems and she wants to take you to Iran.” She was also told other lies to keep her in the camp as long as they can and of-course to manipulate her more and more. The first step has been the interviews against me but my daughter has resisted and hasn’t done it. But they have terrified her so terribly that she doesn’t answer my phone calls turning off her cell phone

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Rajavi Cooperated with SAVAK

It happened at a time when Mojahedin were on a path of struggle with the regime and absolutely reprehended any cooperation with SAVAK and even those members suffering under the heavy pressure and torture avoided to establish friendly relations only to be relieved of sufferings. Thus, Rajavi’s intimate manner of conduct with SAVAK agents to win their attention was in no way justifiable.

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A Misunderstood Court Judgment

We do not know exactly when and where these four stated courts ruled removal of the terror tag from the organization, but if she means the last case judged by the European Court of First Instance in Luxembourg on 23 October 2008 it has to be stated that she has misunderstood the judgment. The court never judges that European Union has wrongly blacklisted the organization on its terrorist list and that it has to be removed.

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