The MEK; the Hypocrites

The Irony of a Safe World

Using its large propaganda and lobby campaign in Europe and America, MKO or the so called PMOI has always wanted to convince the West to remove the group’s name from the list of terrorist entities, The NCRI website states that “to remove the PMOI from the terrorism list would make the world a safer place.”

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Cloaking conversion of ranking members of PMOI

Many of Marxist members wanted to announce their strategic turnabout even before the declaration of Marxist wing manifesto. There are many statements made by imprisoned Mojahedin in this regard …Rajavi refusing to reveal the identity of Marxist members as well as his own conversion from Islam to Marxism

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Is the Mujahedin’s Third Option Practical?

The third option has been presented by MKO or the so called PMOI for the last three years as part of its propaganda against Iranian regime…The west will not risk the security of its citizens by supporting a group with a long history of suicide cult-like activities following the arrest of Maryam Rajavi in France or the assassinations including of those American civilians in Iran in the 1970’s.

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Mujahedin Bebehind the misinformation, disintegration

…The MKO misinformation serves a single purpose; to delay the disintegration of the group – an inevitable outcome which can be either facilitated or hindered by western governments and humanitarian agencies… The preservation of Camp Ashraf is essential to MKO/PMOI leader Massoud Rajavi because it provides the total isolation in which mind control methodology can be used for cult indoctrination.

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Nejat Society’s Announcement No.3

The so called sectarian NCRI claimed that the offices of Nejat Society in Iran forced the families of Ashraf residents, threatening them and putting pressure on them, to go to Iraq and make their children leave Camp Ashraf and return to Iran. …Nejat Society would like to inform the patriotic and broad-minded people: The honorable families of Nejat are some of the most respectable and faithful Iranians who never believe in the terrorist destructive cult of MEK traitors

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Mujahedin’s Mechanical exploitation over members

Massoud Rajavi and his wife Maryam Rajavi, the self-appointed ringleaders of the MKO/PMOI intend to balk responsibility in relation to the existed fatal political and ideological fiascoes and impasses. … The irrefutable crime of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization was to make everyone get training several weapons with the intention to achieve terrorist operations in the cities of Iran. The priority was given to the opponents, because Rajavi intended to inflict two marks with one bullet (to kill two birds by one stone). So that Rajavi might get rid of his opponents and attain his terrorist aims too.

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NCRI and Money Laundering

One of the tricks NCRI/MKO/PMOI uses in Europe to fundraise is to form front associations with the purported aim of supporting Iranian children and asylum seekers.The Mujahedin Khalq or the so called PMOI, by gaining the sympathy of ignorant people and extracting money from them, has collected considerable amount of money and used it to finance its terrorist operations.

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MKO‘s propaganda Machine

As a terrorist organization closely allied with Saddam Hussein, Mujahedin Khalq Organization should not be considered as serious as any other source. Relying on news sources like MKO / PMOI terrorist cult, is just like using the information of a news agency that absolutely lies or exaggerates incidents in order to run their own cause…When in MKO / PMOI websites the number of the participants in one of the groups gathering is reported as 40’000, the credible news agencies such as Washington Times reports 300 participants.

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The NCR, an alias for Mujahedin Khalq

In fact, before MKO relocation to Iraq to execute cultic relations in Camp Ashraf as its main cult bastion, the cult thought had passed its embryo stage at Auvers-Sur-Oise in Paris. The importance of Camp Ashraf for Mujahedin Khalq lies in the fact that it was the best remote and controlled spot as needed for cult activities…..The main goal was on the one hand to recruit members with no ideology or whose ideology somehow contradicted that of MKO, and on the other hand the NCR was intended to act as a catalyst between the West and MKO.

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