The MEK; the Hypocrites

Sunday Herald prints Mojahedin lies “ Jamshid Tafrishi responds

Since he left, the Mojahedin have been misusing his name over the past years in every possible way, publishing articles on their websites (Iranfocus, Iranterror and which are their version of his views, but never publishing any direct response from him. In this way the MKO has variously claimed that Tafrishi ‘admitted’ working for the Iranian Intelligence Ministry …

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Paulo Casaca visits Camp Ashraf and the MEK of Iran

This week Mr. Paulo Casaca (Member of the European Parliament for Portugal’s Socialist Party) and André Brie (member of Confederal Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left of Germany) both members of the European Parliament paid a 4 day “good will” tour of Camp Ashraf in the outskirts of Baghdad.

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Terrorists Disinformation

Being the kind of people who fish in troubled water, MKO does whatever mischief to escalate the tension concerning Iraq to survive. Quoting Jafarzadeh who talked at a conference organized by the Iran Policy Committee, a lobby group pushing to get the MKO off the State Department’s terrorist list, the article intends to support the idea that Iran is advocating a special force to spread disorder and terrorism in its neighboring country Iraq. …

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The False Intelligence

Following the detention of the two Iranians, Maryam Rajavi, the head of the terrorist MKO, on Thursday had claimed that the two Iranians were senior members of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and had coordinated attacks against coalition troops and Iraqi civilians. She cited the group’s intelligence officials as the source of the information.

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The End of a Patron of Terrorists

At last on Saturday at dawn Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi dictator, went to the gallows and they put the noose around his neck. Although he was hanged only for being sentenced for murdering 148 Shi’ite Muslims in the town of Dujail in 1982, yet at the time of his execution, he was being tried on charges of genocide perpetrated against the Iraqi Kurds in the 1980s

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A Sham President Boycotting Elections

The elections being sham or anything else, it seems that the organization lacks a sound source of informers inside Iran as well as the exaggerated number of supporters. A slight look at the reports of many TV networks covering the occasion in Iran disproves MKO’s claim of”people have completely ignored the sham elections”. It does not mean that we approve whatever passes inside Iran,but we do believe that none of those who drew back to vote were responding to Maryam Rajavi’s boycott.

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The MEK continues to publish lies

Gobadi mentioned the Iran Policy Committee (IPC) without revealing if the MEK funds trips for Professor Raymond Tanter to speak at MEK conferences. Gobadi failed to reveal relationships between the MEK and the IPC staff (former CIA employee and former military officers). In particular, Gobadi could have provided details about published reports that the CIA is using MEK members to go into Iran as spies and to destroy Iranian property.

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Suspicious attempts to hide the truth

Any investigation into the involvement of Mojahedin Khalq in terrorism and violence is welcomed, but the law firm employed by the terrorist organisation has adjusted the context of its report according to the needs of its client so that not only would it not allow access to the truth, it is overtly trying to avoid international justice for its client and even attempting to remove them from the list of terrorist organisations.

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Why the MKO Resorts To Hypocricy?

the terrorist group of the MKO took this issue as an opportunity to boost the morale of its desperate members; therefore, they tried to introduce the students’ activities as a proof for their wrong analyses, according to which they describe the situation of the society as”exploding”and claim that armed forces in Iran are relentlessly struggling to suppress popular protests.Of course, in this article, there’s no need to say that how baseless these analyses are (and have been during past 25 years).

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