The MEK; the Hypocrites

A Probe into Never Responded Questions

It seems that Maryam Rajavi’s recent trip to some European countries as Iranian president-elect in exile and her interview with a variety of Medias creates her an opportunity to provide appropriate answers to many existing but ambiguous challenges. Naturally, most of the journalists and media men have got tired of hearing and penning mediocre issues like that of Iran’s nuclear file, claims of the West granting concessions to Iranian regime …

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MKO’s Excuses for Political Inabilities

Mojahedin sometimes resorted to people, thought to be able to do something for the organization; people like Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton and …
The main point the group tries to hide from its own members is that the group was fully supported by Saddam and some other western countries while being out of terror list but it could do nothing.

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MKO’s Testimony on AMIA Case Is Baseless

the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA) building in Buenos Aires exploded killing 85 people. A car was reprted to have been detonated before the building. According to the testimony of at least a dozen eye witnesses, there was no car bomb but explosion came from the inside outwards. Although the”internal explosion theory”was later proved by the experts, the Israel’s sovereignty over this issue influenced the course of the investigations.

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Mojahedin ‘Information Laundering’

The weekly Persian periodical “Mojahed”, the official organ of MKO, has reported on your role as the key figure in a three day symposium held in US Congress under the title “Iran: foreign policy challenges, solutions and democratic opposition” (Mojahed, No 823, Monday, Nov 20, 2006). The article states that you delivered a 250 page report in that meeting.

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Polonium-210, Fiction and Fact

John Bolton, who was then the Under-Secretary of State for Arms Control, privately conveyed to International Atomic Energy Agency officials his suspicions that Iran was conducting research – at Parchin,….So, at a press conference held in Paris on 3 February, 2005, by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (a US State Department designated”terrorist organization”) Mohammad Mohaddessin, the self-styled Chairman of their Foreign Affairs Committee, made certain specific charges about Iran’s ongoing nuclear programs….

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The Elections to Foster Hope of Overthrow

For nearly two decades, Mojahedin have continued to predict the Islamic Republic’s collapse. In all these years, unpredicted and unapproachable regional, domestic and international crises were said to have weakened the pillars of the Islamic rule to bring about its collapse. They had the least attention to people’s role and social factors in all these years. In 1995 presidential election for example, Mojahedin were shocked to see that Khatami’s victory swept all other major rivals ..

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The Outcomes of MKO’s Gathering in Geneva

The continuation of this move indicates that the leaders of the group are still seeking solutions to overcome the current crisis (for the group) in Iraq.Also, other activities by the group show that the priority for the MKO leaders is to find a way out of the crisis in Iraq and that all MKO efforts (in order to help the group politically and structurally) have failed so far.However, MKO’s spokespersons never speak directly of what they are dealing with in Iraq (in order not to worsen the situation of their demoralized members in Camp Ashraf) and the future of the group.

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Rajavi’s Visit to Belgium Unimportant

Massoud Khodabandeh, former senior member of MKO who now runs”Iran-Interlink”in the UK, said to IRNA on Thursday:”Some Belgian politicians use isolated elements to press Iran and to get what the West wants from Iran.”Khodabandeh said the visit of MKO’s self-claimed president to Belgium Senate by the informal invitation of some minor politicians in that country was a propagandistic effort from unimportant groups in that country that are seeking fame…

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Iran-Europe Game in Brussels

Taking part in a press conference with 5 Belgian senators, Rajavi explained her group’s major problem (Iraq’s decision to expel the group from Iraq) and asked European countries to prevent this by lifting the name of MKO from terror list.It seems that the comments by Belgian Foreign Ministry (that Maryam Rajavi’s presence in Belgium has nothing to do with the terrorist MKO) show the policy of Belgian government and other European countries …

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NCRI Did Not Discover Natanz

Part of the problem is that US intelligence sources didn’t want to say how they knew—and, thus, how much we knew—so the story that NCRI ratted out the Iranians persisted. This summer, though, I think the last piece of the puzzle appeared.In The One Percent Doctrine, Ron Suskind confirmed that US intelligence had flipped Urs Tinner —a member of the Khan network—in the 1990s and had allowed him to remain in place to identify Khan’s customers.

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