The MEK; the Hypocrites

Rajavi’s Visit to Belgium Unimportant

Massoud Khodabandeh, former senior member of MKO who now runs”Iran-Interlink”in the UK, said to IRNA on Thursday:”Some Belgian politicians use isolated elements to press Iran and to get what the West wants from Iran.”Khodabandeh said the visit of MKO’s self-claimed president to Belgium Senate by the informal invitation of some minor politicians in that country was a propagandistic effort from unimportant groups in that country that are seeking fame…

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News Censored by Rajavi’s Gang

Immediately after the Islamic revolution (in 1979), MKO leaders pretended to be boycotting governmental press in order to block their members’ and supporters’ access to free media. This kind of censorship was expanded in the following years and took a different shape when the MKO members were restricted to Camp Ashraf in Iraq.

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Funny Figures!

Once someone said:”I wonder why all MKO female members arrested by the regime are pregnant and have to abort?”This is because the lie has been repeated by the MKO. This has even been said about unmarried girls!Everyone in Evin prison knows well that Mojgan Homayoonfar lost her leg in a car accident, but the gang of Rajavi used this in the UN to prove that there was torture in the Iranian prisons!

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A Meeting of Friends of Terrorism

Facing its most crucial days in Iraq, MKO gets advantage of any chances to muster sympathizers and supporters to reaffirm its status as political refugees in Iraq. As the organization is banned, under the adopted anti-terrorism laws, to hole open rallies and meetings …

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Mojahedin representative Jafarzadeh in predictable propaganda move

Jafarzadeh needs first to bring evidence that the Mojahedin (aka National Council of Resistance of Iran or the resistance) does indeed have members and/or supporters inside the country and that such people are in position to gain greater access to information on Iran’s nuclear activities than the IAEA inspectors, before his claims can be taken seriously by Iran experts.

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Victims of MKO Deceptions

…These poor guys were trapped by MKO dealers and smugglers. MKO agents encouraged Mirmehdi brothers to take part in MKO demonstrations in order to receive asylum immediately.
Unfortunately, Mirmehdi brothers were deceived by MKO and their participation in a MKO demonstration in 1997 led to detention and jail for 41 months….

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MKO’s New Cause of Anger

The recently published book Mojahedin Khalq Organization; Arising & the End is a celebrated and collective work of some Iranian researchers unveiling many facts on the formation and activities of MKO. The three volumes work is mainly a research based on existing evidences many of which are included.

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No Place for MKO in New Iraq

“There will be no place for terrorists in the new Iraq and we have considered rules and regulations on the way of treating those who have been involved in the killing of Iraqis,”Shirvan al-Vaeli, Iraq’s national security minister said in an interview with al-Vatan Al-Kuwaitiah.

Asking for the exchange of intelligence

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MKO’s Desperation

In a realistic view, this is an invalid claim than can get no attention and independent newswires, governments, political institutions and parliamentarians approach such claims with scoff.
On the other hand, MKO with a few non-MKO members of the council (called NCRI), faces a major problem: having no supporter in Iran.

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