The MEK; the Hypocrites

The Terrorists that Pretend Democracy

Many Iranian sympathizers of the MKO residing in Western countries are misguided by the group’s vast propaganda, demonstrating itself as the only vehicle to help establish democracy and freedom in Iran. Some opposing the current Iranian Government for their own reasons, voice support for a terrorist group,

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Fanatic Friends, MKO tricks US progressives, gains legitimacy

a representative of the violent Iranian fugitives based in Iraq, known as MKO, addressed a forum – an anti-war forum – sponsored by the liberal Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists in Berkeley, California, as he had done the year before. Introduced as Ali Mirardal, the speaker lamented human rights abuses in Iran and offered the National Council of Resistance, a Paris-based front group for MKO, as the best hope for a democratic Iran.

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Mojahedin exploit Iraqi bombing victims

Following a roadside bomb explosion on May 29, 13 Iraqi workers were killed and 15 more were wounded. The victims have ever since, however, been feeding the Mojahedin’s propaganda machine to secure the cult’s protected status and, if possible, ensure political asylum.
Some Western figures are quoted by Mojahedin to have urged Iraqi government to take necessary steps to ensure the security and safety of Camp Ashraf.

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Terrorist Group Supporters Meet in Washington

The Mujahedin-e Khalq, also known as the People’s Mujahedin Organization of Iran, was first blacklisted by the State Department in June 1994. Various front organizations, including the National Council of the Iranian Resistance, were added to the U.S. blacklist in 1997.
While the blacklisting has prohibited the group from openly lobbying Congress, a variety of like-minded organizations have championed its cause, claiming to have no operational ties to the banned terrorist group.

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The most hated Iranian group;MEK terrorists

The MEK (Mujahedin-e Khalq) is organizing major conferences in Paris and in Washington, DC in the coming week, in an effort to shore up support for the group among European and American law-makers. In recent years, the MEK has shifted its rhetoric, abandoning earlier statements,…

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More on Mojahedin cult member Alireza Jafarzadeh’s Comments

I’d like to address Alireza [Jafarzadeh] and other former partners and advise them out of my own experiences. We are used to doing what others dictate to us. I believe there’s no problem if you try to know the positions and stances of other opposition groups (whether inside the country or abroad) and analyze them. You judge! Have you ever seen monarchist Rightists encourage Americans to take military action against Iran …

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Survivors’ Report- Editorial (No. 22)

News of the imminent disbandment of the group there prompted a flurry of activity among the MKO’s legion of lawyers in an effort to create more bluster and bluff. Exactly as when the Iraqi interim government voted to have the group expelled from Iraq in December 2003. The MKO’s ‘demand’ – if it were in a position to make any such demand – has been for the total 3000+ combatants based in Iraq to be moved wholesale to another base, in another country

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False Letters

I myself am a former member of Rajavi’s cult and I am familiar with some families of whom some members were fighting for Mujahedin and now are separated or are still staying in Camp Ashraf or other countries with the MKO. As a person who has separated from the cult, I have to say that I and the families I khow haven’t received such letters at all.

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MKO lies to Court to Save its Skin

From its inception, the MEK has been the main anti-western force before and during the 1979 revolution in Iran. The MEK killed six Americans in Iran during the 1960s. During the ‘hostage crisis’ in 1980, the MEK advocated killing the American hostages. The MEK openly took up arms against the regime of Iran again only after a failed coup d’état against the new revolutionary government in 1980.

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