The MEK; the Hypocrites

US Media and Iran’s MEK Terrorists Who Cried Wolf

The fact that the group [MKO/MEK/PMOI] was caught intentionally using a fake photograph against Iran in 2015, in addition to all of its terrorism and war crimes, should discredit its recent statements about Iran in the US media. However, despite their previous lies and horrendous record, certain US media outfits remain so biased and hostile to Iran, that they still repeat their claims. While no evidence exists that Iran has …

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Open letter to Archbishop of Tirana-Durrës, George Anthony Frendo

Last week I learned, that in March 2017 you participated in the Organizations Nowruz Festival in Albania. So I have the concern that you too can be blinded by the propaganda allies of the PMOI/MKO/MEK and I would like to warn you not to get pressed into service by the Mojaheddin without knowing their true face. The MKO presents itself as “the Iranian resistance” or the “opposition in exile”, but it is …

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Open letter to Valerie CROVA the top journalist of “Culture Radio” France

Why in this cult, Rajavi cult, all the women who were forced to get married to Massoud Rajavi and go to bed with him , had to go under surgical operation to take out their wombs to become sterile? As a free journalist and free media , where have you seen or read in this world that a political party or a group for the sake of struggle for freedom and democracy force their members to get divorced and the divorced women have …

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International Workers’ Day and MeK’s propaganda efforts

However, there has always been a great contradiction in the MeK’s propaganda in these events. The final product is never in accordance with what the MeK blows in its own horn. Even if we assume the most optimistic scenario according to the MeK’s official website (below) that protests have erupted in Iran by workers under the influence of MeK’s propaganda in less than 6 days, then …

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Iran’s people care about elections. Pahlavi/Rajavi doesn’t

Contrary to what you might expect, these two opposition forces do not get along. “It’s pretty much a cult-type structure,” Pahlavi said of MEK/MKO/PMOI in his AP interview. He’s absolutely right.It’s not long ago that the MEK, described by US thinktank Rand as a “skilled manipulators of public opinion”, was listed by the US and the EU as a terrorist organisation….

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Open letter of Mrs. Zahra MOEINI to the Top Channel Media in Tirana, ALBANIA

In that cult all the married couples were forced to get divorced by the direct order of Massoud and Maryam Rajavi. This forced separations was not just for married couples , the single ones also had to get divorced from their imaginary spouse in their minds . After those separations and forced divorces , all those married couples who had kids in that cult , were ordered by the leadership of this notorious cult to send their kids either to Iran or to foreign countries such as Europe and United States .

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Sharham Golestaneh, high ranking member of Mojahedin Khalq terrorist Organisation in your buildings

… That is why Shahram Golestaneh has been ordered to hide his membership of this notorious cult, which after the fall of their last benefactor Saddam Hussain, is now working alongside the terrorist groups which incorporate the remains of the Saddam regime in Iraq and Syria, including ISIS. Shahram Golestaneh is now portraying himself as the head of a made-up organisation …

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Rajavi’s “crocodile tears for oppressed Syrians”

This former writer of Radio Free Syria warns about Maryam Rajavi’s hypocritical rhetoric for the Syrian opposition giving a brief of the MKO’s / MEK/PMOI violent past, its alliance with Saddam Hussein and combat against its own people. “The problem is not with the words”, he writes about Maryam’s “well-worded performance” for Syrian people….

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