The MEK; the Hypocrites

Goebbels’ Principles of Propaganda followed by the MKO

Leader of the MKO cult, Massoud Rajavi systematically inherited Goebbels’ legacy as a devious, manipulative master propagandist. Like Goebbels, Massoud was extremely good at his job. He drove his listeners into trance, making them stand up for long hours, sing songs, raise their arms, repeat oaths and slogans; and he did it, not through an ardent inspiration, but as the result of a psychological manipulative methodology.

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Absurd Propaganda of the MKO and its Supporters on Syria

The endless propaganda of the Mujahedin Khalq (the MKO/ MEK/the Cult of Rajavi) seems to be running out of new ideas for its disinformation champagne against the Iranian government. The new so-called revelations published by the MKO and then echoed by the Washington Times on what they call “Iranian crimes and atrocities” in Syria, clearly indicates that the group…

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MEK’s Fake Intelligence On Aleppo Only Hinders Fact-finding Bodies Finding The Truth

An article published in the Washington Times Security section claims that (yet again) the Mojahedin Khalq (aka MKO, MEK, NCRI, Rajavi cult, Saddam’s Private Army) has provided intelligence to the West on Iranian crimes and atrocities. However, in terms of actual intelligence revelations, the article should more properly have sat in the Opinion section.In this post-truth era, it almost goes without saying that facts and fiction …..

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How dogmatism stop the production of thought in the MKO

When the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO/the cult of Rajavi) became committed to armed struggle and eventually fell into the trap of dogmatism, replacing tolerance with violence, the violence against enemies was gradually extended to the entire existence of the group, even its own members. Dogmatism of Massoud Rajavi was elevated to absolute truth. His dogma was accompanied with….

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Open letters to Axel Fischer, about MKO invitation to attend Rajavi’s carnival on November 26

As we have heard from the ranks of the MEK-outs in France, you are invited to the international gathering of the Peoples Mojahedin of Iran “Mojahedin-e Khalq” (MEK / PMOI / MKO) and its political arm, the “National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)” on November 26th in Paris. We urge you to refrain from participating in this event! The MEK is …

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Nothing to celebrate – MEK leader Maryam Rajavi pretends forced move to Albania is a great victory

This is what the Washington Times reported in March 2013: “…The U.S. wants the MeK aka MKO/PMOI leadership to ‘accept the government of Albania’s humanitarian offer immediately, and urges the residents of Camp [Liberty] to resume participation in resettlement interviews to ensure that individuals avail themselves of safe and secure relocation opportunities outside Iraq,’ said State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland. The dissidents are housed at Camp Liberty …

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The MKO relocation; victory for who?

While Maryam Rajavi calls the departure from Iran’s neighboring territory “a hammer that will descend upon the ruling theocracy”, Mustafa Saadoun of Al Monitor asserts that the Islamic Republic was the winner of the recent move criticizing the Iraqi government for its failure to take more advantages from the case. “Of course, the MEK’s aka MKO/PMOI departure….

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