The MEK; the Hypocrites

Open letter to Brian Medvi, Phil Glendenning, Meridis Bergman, David Martin Shoebridge and Laurie Donald Thomas Fereguson

I just want to say that participating in their[MKO/MEK/PMOI] gathering is like affirming the beheading of innocent people by Daesh and other terrorist organizations. Now you know my name and my Email. I am ready to give you more information about this notorious and dangerous cult if you are interested in finding out more. Please do not participate in their gathering. Your participation only confirms their …

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MeK’s claims of freedom, democracy is an insult to humanity

These were only a part of the MeK’s activities which claims freedom and democracy, but change it color each day in order to mislead the public opinion so that it may continue to live for a few while and get rid of its critics and former members. Taking a glance at the MeK’s aka MKO/PMOI activities from past to present, one can firmly say that MeK’s claims of freedom and democracy is an insult to …

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Fake News for Real Photos, Scandal for MKO Propaganda

In a very unprofessional gaffe, the English website of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) publishes a photo absolutely unrelated to the so-called news about Iranian teachers.The MKO/MEK/PMOI propaganda claims to be the voice of the Iranian people propagating various news on the alleged riots, protests and revolt of the Iranian people! The most recent of the so-called protests….

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Why MeK keeps making the promise of overthrowing Iran’s gov’t

Misinformation on the conditions in Iran is also like that. The Rajavi and his members are interested in misrepresenting the conditions in Iran …. the major function of these promises is for the Rajavi to keep the miserable members and convince them not to leave the Rajavi’s organization and look forward to the day that the regime is”overthrown by itself.”

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Gender Segregation Everywhere in the MKO Cult

Constant human rights violation and gender segregation are in the essence of the MKO/MEK/PMOI as terrorist destructive cult even if it is relocated to Europe the heart of democracy in a camp in Albania; and even if its propaganda resorts to each and every means possible.

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