
Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 57

Still in the context of MEK support for ISIS, other writers link it with the MEK rally in Paris on 27 June which celebrates armed struggle. The articles touch on the MEK’s history of violence and terrorism. They conclude that although the MEK aka MKO/PMOI was removed from the terrorist lists of several countries, the group has always remained a terrorist …

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Iran-Interlink Weekly Digest – 56

Many writers highlight the US’s insistence on keeping the MEK in Iraq. Now the Iraqi press and analysts are joining up the dots, they say it is clear the US have been trying hard to keep as many Saddamists as possible along with Sunnis sympathetic to the West in the Iraqi government. They identify the MEK as a small part of the larger plot …

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Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 55

Massoud Khodabandeh Facebooked a short note about Mohammad Eghbal and his sisters. Khodabandeh points out that the sisters are not against the MEK, rather they are internal critics. Form this it is clear that the problem for Rajavi is not criticism or critics or any other issue, his problem is how to keep Mohammad Eghbal inside the MEK …

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Iran Interlink Weekly Digest -54

Behzad Alishahi’s wife has responded to the saga involving a threatening article in Iran Global. She says although she doesn’t usually look at anything from either the MEK or IRI, because this involves her husband she is obliged to set a few facts right. She explains that Behzad Alishahi has not been charged or criminalised. Instead, in June …

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Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 53

Nourizadeh began by recounting what he knew of them at the time of the Shah, particularly the history of Massoud Rajavi, starting when he was a young boy. Nourizadeh’s main point, as someone who has known Rajavi for so many years, is that Rajavi is trying to play the role of Imam Zaman and is hoping that one day the dust will settle and he can …

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Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 52

Mohammad Karami from Paris and some others have responded to an article in Iran Global written under pseudonyms. The writers claim they are a group working with the Intelligence Service of the Netherlands who are responsible for trapping ex MEK member Behzad Alishahi through various sting scenarios so that he would be arrested under …

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Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 50

Ghorbanali Hosseinnejad has written an extensive article exposing the MEK’s activities in support of the Saddamists. In his article he has named some Arabic speaking people in Europe who are working for the MEK and the Saddamists. One is called Saffi Al Yasseri, an Iraqi writer. Half his job appears to be to support Saddamists and …

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Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 49

The Mojahedin which is, as usual, desperate to link itself to anything to do with Iran has inevitably tried to connect itself to this event. Over the last few days, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), has issued over 20 statements – which have more to do with ‘Google wars’ and getting its name out in public rather than any actual reporting …

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Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 48

Although the MEK don’t regard Albania as a place for their activities, the cult has decided to expend much more energy to sort the place out; more people have been dispatched there to help keep control. Other news suggests that out of seventeen residents of Camp Liberty who had previous residency in the UK and whose applications for asylum are currently under review by the UK immigration service, three are currently in Albania.

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Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 47

Alavi quotes from the infamous General Phillips, who allegedly made life very difficult for potential escapees when he was in charge of Camp Ashraf and TIPF. Phillips apparently complained, ‘Everyone is asking me why are you doing this, you have no connection with Iranians, nor seen the country …

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