
Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 46

Ben Emmerson QC is the UNHCR’s special rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism. After his recent report about human rights, several people from different places wrote letters to him to bring the situation of the victims trapped inside Camp Liberty to …

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Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 45

This week saw the anniversary of the Halabja chemical attack. In 1988, Massoud Rajavi announced the formation of the MEK’s National Liberation Army (or Saddam’s Private Army as it is known), in Iraq and organised a few operations in that region. On 16 – 17 March 1988, Halabja came under chemical attack resulting in 5,000 deaths …

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Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 44

Nejat Association reports that the MEK have joined with a Sunni terrorist group that seeks to kill Shiites. A Sunni group named Talaye Jaish Muhammad (Vanguards Army of Muhammad) confirmed the MEK’s membership in its establishment. The group issued a statement on March 3rd to declare that it is seeking to kill Shiites.

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Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 43

MEK is in serious overdrive to support terrorism on their websites. Specifically, under the name Siamak Dehghani, the MEK’s Aftab Karan site criticises those Iranians who are campaigning for the to release of several Iranian border soldiers kidnapped by Al Qaida and Jaish Al Adl. The MEK now call this “a smear campaign against Jaish al Adl”…

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Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 42

Massoud Rajavi’s Audio broadcast has continued to provoke scorn and ridicule. In the Audio Rajavi claims that all Iranian political refugees and opposition outside Iran owe their legitimacy to the MEK and their armed struggle. The widespread response has been that ‘refugee status was a right well before you were ever on the scene. You are …

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Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 41

There has been a huge response from ex members and others following Maryam Rajavi’s death threats issued in speech given at a meeting in Auvers sur Oise, and which were published by the MEK/MKO/PMOI in their Farsi sites before quickly being removed as too incriminating. In English, Anne Singleton’s article unpicks Rajavi’s wording to extract …

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Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 40

The people who have informed Sahar about the broadcast from inside the camp say that one of the images shows two people fighting, one has fallen and the other is sitting on his chest and grabbing his collar. While this is showing, Rajavi is talking and clearly says that if he gets help he will be able to get up but if he doesn’t he will be finished …

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Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 39

In Iraq, Al Moragheb newspaper reported that MEK representatives have been to Israel and attended the funeral of Sharon as well as having direct talks with the secret services there. Iraqi Noon News Agency reported on the role of the MEK in Syria, saying that although it is not certain if they are participating in insurgencies alongside Al Qaeda …

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Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 38

UNAMI published its Half Yearly Report on Human Rights for January to June 2013. Section 11.1 covered Camp New Iraq (Camp Ashraf) and Camp Hurriya (Camp Liberty). The report points out that the “UNHCR’s efforts to find durable solutions for the residents have been hindered by the non-cooperation of residents, such as the boycotting …

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