
Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 11

Michael Rubin writing for COMMENTARY, America’s premier monthly magazine of opinion and a pivotal voice in American intellectual life, points out that “No longer being considered a terrorist group does not make the MKO democratic… as anyone who has ever studied their internal workers can attest”. The article titled, ‘Yes, Mujahedin al-Khalq …

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Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 9

… Martin Kobler in an interview with the Associated Press cited concerns about what he called “human rights abuses inside Camp Liberty done by the MEK themselves. ”Residents are not free to move between different sections of the camp without approval, and some are denied Internet and mobile phone access by MEK officials, he said. Medical treatment …

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Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 8

In an article for Reuters following the Iranian election, Susan Cornwell says that for decades the MEK has been on the wrong side of history, and has “no discernible role in politics at home”. In spite of this the MEK is now formalizing its campaign to pressure the Obama administration to maintain a hard line with the Islamic Republic. “They’ll deny it, but …

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Iran Interlink Weekly Digest -7

The MEK then published the text of a letter allegedly written by Akram Habib Khaani and posted on her behalf in which it is claimed that all this is the work of Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence. One of the proofs of this has been that Massoud Khodabandeh published a paragraph sympathising with the Yaghmai family on Facebook. Even though there is no free access to internet in Camp Liberty …

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Iran-Interlink Weekly Digest- 6

Ex-MEK members were contacted by the new arrivals in Albania. They report that the MEK have dispatched commanders to Albania from Paris headed by Hassan Nayeb Agha, and another, to monitor them and try to pacify them so they don’t run away from the MEK. Except the few known MEK agents among these 30 people from Liberty, the others have not welcomed these two from Paris and have mostly rejected the food and money they brought for them …

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Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 5

it has been revealed that the MEK applied for and have been registered under the name of the NCRI as a lobby group in Washington. The MEK have not yet announced it. But everywhere else this news has been published Iranians from all sides have shown their disgust and have not been shy of saying that through this action the MEK has openly become a mercenary of the Israeli side ..

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Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 4

… The MEK remained silent about Albania until two days ago and many people have given their analysis as to why this was the case: either Rajavi has given up and had to let these 14 people go, or he has sent the sick and needy to get rid of them, or he has sent 14 loyal members to prepare the ground to establish the cult in Albania. A few days ago the namesof the fourteen individuals were …

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Iran Interlink Weekly Digest -3

Under pressure from neocons and Israel, the US State Department continues to protect the interests of the Mojahedin’s leaders. In a statement on the relocation of 14 individuals to Albania, the State Department accepts the rule of the hostage takers over the hostages by addressing them as legitimate leaders of people who are in fact hostages not

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Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 2

In a new development last week, Iraj Mesdaaghi, who has worked in support of the MEK for many years in Europe, published a 230 page open letter to Massoud Rajavi. He asks Rajavi to address this issue of internal dissatisfaction. He has gone into detail about many specific reactions Rajavi has had against current members as well as ex-members like Batul Soltani, Zahra Mir Bagheri and Ghorban Ali Hossein Nejad. Rajavi has threatened …

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Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 1

Mohammad Razaghi in Paris challenges Rajavi directly in his weblog: ‘why is it that when we were in Ashraf and later in TIPF your wives, specifically Zohreh Akhiani, could be taken to US army hospitals by US helicopters for simply having flu, but Reza Nasiri had to die this week of kidney problems …

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