
Terrorist MEK to be expelled from Iraq

The Conference was held in Al-Hakim Conference Centre in Baghdad University and hundreds of tribal leaders, University lecturers, Governmental representatives and officials, NGOs and media representatives filled the salon. Although Camp Ashraf and the MEK is an issue specific to the government and citizens of Iraq, the Conference organisers made sure to invite Western agencies, such as the UN, EU and diplomats who have claimed or expressed an interest in Camp Ashraf.

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Rajavi Cult starts armed struggle against Iraqi government

The communiqué issued by the terrorist cult admits that it was the Mojahedin Khalq (aka; MKO, MEK, NCRI, Rajavi cult) who instigated the attack on the Iraqi police force, and the police force have been forced to defend themselves. The new developments shows that the leadership of the cult is in no mood to accept personal freedom of the members

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Cult victims arrested in Finland need psychological help

Two leading Mojahedin-e Khalq members, Hadi Roshanravani (62) and Mohammad-Ali Jaberzadeh Ansari (60) have been arrested by Interpol on entering Finland some days ago. Iran-Interlink believes that extradition of the men to Iran will not serve anybody’s interests.we do believe that as members of a destructive cult (the Mojahedin-e Khalq) they must not be handed back to the MKO on their release. We urge the Finnish authorities to put aside the political rhetoric which surrounds the arrest of these victims and look at the evidence of psychological manipulation used by the cult to coerce and control its membership.

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Open Letter to Prime Minister, Gordon Brown

… Since your government has taken the responsibility for the future actions of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organisation (Rajavi cult) by trusting its claims to have renounced violence and removing it from your list of proscribed organisations in the UK, I am sure that you agree that the security of myself and my family and my co-workers as well as the security needed to continue our humanitarian work in the UK rests now more than at any other time on the shoulders of your government …

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Iran-Interlink welcomes UK de-proscription of Mujahedin

… Massoud Khodabandeh commented: “In this respect de-proscription of the MKO in the U.K. will enable Britain to fulfil its obligations to the members of this group who have been engaged in engineering the violent overthrow of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in close alliance with western interests, for nearly three decades. We cannot expect Iran or Iraq to offer succour to people who have committed acts of violence against the people of those countries. It is clearly the responsibility of the MKO’s western backers to now rescue them.” …

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