Iraq to move MKO Members from Ashraf Camp

MEK Terrorists eye Jordan relocation

An exiled Iranian opposition group [MKO/MEK/PMOI] being forced to relocate from its paramilitary base in eastern Iraq proposed on Saturday to temporarily move to the Jordanian border instead of Temporary Transit Location near Baghdad.Last month, the Obama administration offered to move the group temporarily to Camp Liberty [Temporary Transit Location ], which once was a base for U.S. soldiers.Iraq wants Camp Ashraf, with more than 3,000 residents, shut down.

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US to take MKO off terrorism list, if it cooperates with Iraq

..Clinton rejected the suggestion, saying that no country has raised the issue of the MEK’s terrorist designation with the State Department. And she backed an Iraqi relocation plan that has already taken 397 camp residents to their new, temporary home at the former U.S. Camp Liberty. “There were complications but it was peaceful,” Clinton told lawmakers in the House Foreign Affairs Committee, several of whom have strongly pressed the MEK’s case. ..

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Clinton urges MKO to complete move

Mrs. Clinton told the committee that “M.E.K. cooperation in the successful and peaceful closure of Camp Ashraf” will be “a key factor in any decision” on its longstanding request that the State Department lift its terrorist designation. She did not elaborate, but an administration official said her remarks were meant to be a strong signal to the group[MKO/MEK/PMOI] that it must improve cooperation.

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MeK Status on US Terror List Hinges on Relocation

This is a despicable and hypocritical approach on the part of Washington. U.S. officials recently told NBC News…To help MeK/MKO/PMOI find refuge or even de-list them would clearly be U.S. support for terrorists. Of course, when terrorists target the United States or its allies, they are detained without charge or trial, tortured, or even executed. But if terrorists target an adversary of the U.S., like Iran, suddenly they’re worthy of Washington’s help.

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Temporary Transit Location and MEK excuses

The last part of Mr. Dershowitz is approved; TTL is not going to be a permanent home for the relocated members. As the name of the location itself indicates, it is a temporary center to hose the transferred residents for a short span of time to process their refugee status and to transfer them to a third country. The group’s relocation to TTL was agreed between the United Nations, Iraqi authorities, the US, the EU and the leaders of the group itself.

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Is TTL really a ‘concentration camp’ for the MEK?

Clinton didn’t comment on the”concentration camp”charge and simply emphasized that the U.S. was working hard to safely relocate the MEK to Temporary Transit Location, keep the Iraqi government from harassing the MEK, and ensure that the U.N. monitors the camp and provides help for refugees. She also said that if the MEK really wants off the list of foreign terrorist organizations (FTO), it should get with the program at Camp Liberty( Temporary Transit Location).

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500 other MKO members to be expelled outside Ashraf

Five hundred other members of Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK, also MKO and PMOI) are going to be expelled outside Camp Ashraf over the coming days…recent developments surrounding the expulsion of the cult members suggests that in addition to the imminent expulsion of these members, more than 1600 Ashraf residents are willing to voluntarily return to Iran.The report also indicates that Iraq has issued arrest warrant for some 70 MKO members

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Prof.Foote: American gov’t to continue using MKO against Iran

MEK is now hue and crying over not being allowed to carry their medicine, medical instruments, power generators, office facilities.. to the Temporary Transit Location! “These resources were provided for terrorist services rendered by supporters in Iraq (Saddam Hussein), Saudi Arabia, America, and elsewhere,” Sheldon said regarding the issue…Referring to the MEK member arrested in Thailand, Paul Sheldon Foote underlined that it is ..

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MKO Stalling Further Relocation

The anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO also known as the MEK, NCR and PMOI) announced that it will not allow the remaining residents of its Camp Ashraf to be transferred to Camp Liberty..This inappropriate demand is an affront to Iraq’s sovereignty and in contrast to UN Secretary-General’s statement released on Thursday in which Ban Ki Moon reiterated that”the Government of Iraq bears the primary responsibility..

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