Iraq to move MKO Members from Ashraf Camp

Camp New Iraq residents and the determination of their refugee status claims

UNHCR has been for some time and remains ready to undertake verification and refugee status adjudication for the residents of Camp New Iraq (formerly Camp Ashraf) who are persons of concern. It has mobilized teams on the ground, and has put in place the necessary soft and hard ware support capabilities. Individual interviews will need to take place in a safe, neutral and confidential location. UNHCR attaches utmost importance to ..

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Elmar Brok for early relocation of Camp Ashraf residents

The plan by the UN to temporarily relocate the residents of camp Ashraf to a safer location, where the UN will be able to check whether they are entitled to refugee status, is definitely the first step in the right direction, Brok said in s statement..“I therefore appeal to the leadership of the camp to engage in this process without delay and I call on the government of Iraq, which has a clear responsibility to respect human rights and humanitarian law, to ..

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UN urges EU countries to take Camp Ashraf residents as refugees

Martin Kobler, Special representative of the UN Secretary General for Iraq, on Thursday urged the EU Member States to receive the Camp Ashraf’s residents in Iraq as refugees.”My message goes to the governments of EU Member States because the final purpose of the whole exercise to move people from one camp to the other for them to undergo the refugees’ status determination is to bring them abroad,”Kobler told a press conference in Brussels

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UN certifies that Camp Liberty meets international standards

This brings us a step further in ensuring that proper conditions are in place for voluntary relocation of Camp New Iraq residents.” UN monitors are ready to start round-the-clock human rights monitoring during the transport of residents from Camp New Iraq, as well as on their arrival at Camp Liberty, currently built to accommodate 5,500 people. UNHCR is also ready to start refugee status determination ..

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PMOI close to resettlement, envoy says

A memorandum outlining the voluntary relocation of Iranian dissidents in Iraq must be honored for the sake of peace, the U.N. special envoy to Iraq said. Kobler said the United Nations is ready to help Iraq organize the voluntary relocation.In December, Baghdad and the United Nations signed a memorandum of understanding outlining the voluntary relocation of members of the People’s Mujahedin/MKO/MEK/PMOI of Iran from their enclave..

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Camp Ashraf Relocation Woes

..Rajavi leadership is keeping some members in the camp to use as a bargaining chip in their effort to manipulate American opinion. Basically the Rajavi’s are lobbying the US government to change the official status of the Mojahedin Khalq aka MEK/MKO/PMOI — from a terrorist designated organization to a regular organization. According to the US State Department , currently their official status remains a “terrorist organization.

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The achievements of two years of families picketing

Today it is clear to everyone that the leaders of the Rajavi cult aka MKO/MEK/PMOI like all similar cults anywhere in the world which use destructive mind control methods do not see themselves bound by their words or their signatures. It is now clear that they are more than anything else afraid that their forces (hostages) would run away during this transfer. Sooner or later, Rajavi will have to give up Ashraf garrison – which is situated on land illegally ..

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Iraqi Gov’t forces MKO members out of Ashraf

the first group of MKO members were about to be transferred to a new place specified by the Iraqi government. Iraqi Government Spokesman Ali Al-Dabbaq stressed on Wednesday that Baghdad has not extended the presence of the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) in Iraq, dismissing western media reports in this regard.

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Camp Ashraf exiles to begin leaving Iraq camp

It ends a tense standoff with the Iraqi government, which has repeatedly vowed to close the 25-year-old camp.Earlier this week, Iraq and the UN agreed to resettle the camp’s more than 3,000 residents.Those living in the camp, about 40 miles (65 km) north of Baghdad, were part of the People’s Mujahideen Organisation of Iran (PMOI/MEK/PMOI), which fought alongside Iraqi soldiers during the Iran-Iraq war.

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