Iraq to move MKO Members from Ashraf Camp

Iraq: our soil no launch-pad for MKO against Iran

Iraqi envoy to Tehran said on Wednesday that his county would not allow its soil to be used as a launch-pad for any aggressions against Iran…We are opposed to Mujahedin Khalq’s presence in Iraqi soil and, as you already know, Iraqi officials have several times called for their exit from the country,”Mohammad Majid al-Sheikh told Al-Alam..The Iraqi official also praised his country’s”friendly”relations with Tehran since fall of former dictator Saddam Hussein in 2003.

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Mujahedin in Denial

..Although camp leadership has essentially been told by the Iraqi government that they are no longer protected, the members are still being told they are. Members are still isolated from the outside world, and they are regularly exposed to the groups’ own media. This propaganda campaign, an emblematic tactic for the MKO[MEK/PMOI], keeps members subdued and believing that the organization maintains strength…

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Documents confirm the illegality of MKO presence in Camp Ashraf

… For decades the MKO have been in this camp and have not been regarded as refugees. Now neither the UNHCR nor the International Organization for Migration deal with them on that basis. The Ministry has addressed these organisations formally more than once in order to lend a helping hand to them, but they always affirm in their responses that that the MKO is a military organization and has not demilitarized

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A lawsuit against the Mojahedin Khalq

Governor of Khales, Khalis Uday Al-khaddran, said he had filed a lawsuit on behalf of the citizens of Khales against the Mojahedin organization for the crimes perpetrated against them. Al-khaddran said that the MKO has held around 6000 dunums of land in Khalis district for more than 18 years

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Camp Ashraf, preparing for the final battle

On Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays the MKO/PMOI/MEK members undergo self-defense trainings by using non-fire arms like knives and bow and arrows. The latter is so sophisticatedly made that easily penetrate any common protective jackets. They have also devised petrol-filled capsules wrapped in cloth that can be catapulted far away. Another creative weapon is a very sharp, short knife carried under clothes to be used in close man to man encounters. As there is an anchor rope that is used to pull away the forces. They have recently crafted a hand-grenade-like pack filled with wax-like material to stun whoever

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MKO members to be transferred to Al-Khazra region

The deputy head of the council of Dyala governorate said the Mojahedin-e Khalq members will be transferred from Ashraf Camp to “Al-Khazra” region in near future… “Sadegh Al-Hosseini told the reporter of Iraqi website “Al-Nun”: the MKO[MEK/PMOI] members have resorted to a new kind of dangerous weapon in order to remain in Ashraf Camp. This new weapon is hunger strike, hitting each other by knife or having poison.

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Iraq firm in expelling the MKO

Muhammad Al-Hamidawi called the terrorist cult’s presence in Iraq “illegal”, adding that “the conditions for asylum seeking as well as the terms of Geneva Conventions do not apply to the members of the cult”. He said the Iraqi government “is firm and serious in expelling the MKO,” Habilian Association (families of Iranian terror victims) news website quoted Mehr News Agency as reporting…“The MKO entered Iraq during Saddam Hussein’s rule just due to its enmity towards Iran. Now we should destroy this cult, a way of which is their relocation from Camp Ashraf,” said the member of Al-Fadhilah Islamic Party in the Iraqi parliament.

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Mass escape, an alternative option before MKO

The fate of MKO and Ashraf residents in Iraq appears to have been sealed and the members are waiting their relocation to another temporary camp that can put them under the strict control of the Iraqi forces until they will have been sent out of the country completely. Unpredictable as a dangerous terrorist cult, the question is whether the dismantlement of MKO in Iraq and eviction of its stronghold will be an unchallenged task to accomplish?

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A wasteland for MKO to settle

So far, the failure of the Muthana relocation attempt means that the issue of the MKO remains stuck in a stalemate. That is much because nobody is still convinced that the group’s terrorist potentialities are diminished and its link with insurgent groups gut off; it is a risk to have them around..Iraqi Government is to move Ashraf residents to Nuqrat al-Salman, a desolated prison camp. Although MKO has started a vast propaganda blitz to show its strong opposition to the decision, does Rajavi deserves any other place on the earth than a wasteland to wander?

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A solution to counteract MKO misinformation

the Iraqi Government’s ultimatum reaching its final days, theMujahedin Khalq Organization aka MKO/MEK/PMOI is also preparing to confront, as it has already threatened, any move by the Iraqi forces against its bastion as it did in July that resulted in many casualties..While the Iraqi Government prefers not to run out of patience with the group to find a peaceful solution to end the issue..

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