Iraq to move MKO Members from Ashraf Camp

Iraq: Geneva Conventions ‘not applicable’ to Mojahedin Khalq

… The MKO aka MEK/PMOI, which has been residing in a camp to the northeast of Baghdad for two decades, was exiled from Iran and resettled in Iraq in 1986, where it enjoyed the support of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and US-led forces after the invasion of the country in March 2003 … Salim said that the Iraqi government has taken the very first step to relocate the members of the group from their headquarters, Camp Ashraf, to a camp inside Baghdad under the supervision of the United Nations..

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Iraq Minister : MKO will be removed shortly

Iraq’s Minister of Human Rights Ms. Widjan M. Salim, said on Sunday that the entry into the camp under the supervision of the Iraqi forces was a move”first”to inform them of the determination of the Iraqi government to move them to a camp in Baghdad. .. Salim indicated that”the members of the MKO do not qualify as refugees, and are not covered by the Geneva Conventions, but the Universal Declaration of Human Rights protects them,”noting that the Universal Declaration”stresses the need for humane treatment covered by it..

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Iraq: Camp closure a preliminary measure to end MKO existence

We spoke with the world states and told them that we welcome anyone who wants to host them. We will not force this organization to return to Iran or to extradite it to it, but we will not allow an organization, which is accused of terrorism, to stay in Iraq. .. Moving them from this camp is a prelude to moving them to outside Iraq and to any state that would accept them, or perhaps if they benefit from any pardon, which the Iranian Government would offer them …

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A hostile attitude against any legal decision on MKO

For sure, there is no ambiguity in the case of Mojahedin Khalq aka MKO/MEK/PMOI; it is a proven terrorist organization and has to leave the country that is determined to remove the last remnants of a notorious dictator whose adherents are still embroiling the country in disorder and civil war that is taking many lives every day … the US has taken the right side since the organization has recently warned about any attempt to force its insiders from Ashraf ..

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Iraqi Maysan residents reject presence of MKO

… [Abd-al-Husayn Abd-al-Ridha al-Sa’idi, chairman of Maysan Governorate Council, addressing a news conference] There are documents proving that, over the past years, this organization and its affiliates were involved in criminal acts and in killing large numbers of Iraqi people in a flagrant manner…

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MKO refuses to comply with Iraqi order to leave

After Iraq moved to transfer the anti-Iran Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) from their camp in the country, members of the group defied the Iraqi government’s orders to leave.. According to a plan ordered by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki the group should first be moved to the Iraqi capital of Baghdad and later to a 1950s detention camp in southern Iraq.”Any attempt to expel us forcibly will lead to the same clashes and confrontations as those of July 28 and 29,”MKO representative said, referring to a July incident during which Iraqi forces raided the camp in a melee leaving 11 people dead.

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PMOI relocation voluntary, Iraq says

Iranian dissidents at Camp Ashraf in Iraq’s Diyala province can transfer to another facility on a voluntary basis, Iraqi military officials said Tuesday..Baghdad plans to relocate the PMOI first to Baghdad and then to another facility in the south of the country.Iraqi Brig. Bassel Hamad added that if the residents defied government efforts to close Camp Ashraf, Baghdad would”find suitable solutions for this.”

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US lawmakers warn Iraq over MKO relocation

… In Iraq, MKO is seen as “a brainwashed cult from a high-trained terrorist organization” which assisted the Saddam regime in oppressing the Iraqi nation and suppressing the Kurds and Shias in the 1990’s. A resolution presented by Democratic lawmakers has also called on President Barack Obama to stop the relocation of members of the terrorist Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) from Iraq …

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MKO;Iran ex-rebels defy police orders to quit Iraq camp

People’s Mujahedeen aka MKO/MEK/PMOI representative Mehdi Farahi told Iraqi officials residents would not leave Camp Ashraf, where they were installed by Saddam’s regime 80 kilometres (50 miles) north of Baghdad in 1985. “Any attempt to expel us forcibly will lead to the same clashes and confrontations as those of July 28 and 29,” he said, referring to violence at the camp this year in which the group says 11 people were killed.

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Iraq orders MKO to vacate Camp Ashraf

Iranian dissidents protest the Iraqi government’s orders that they vacate Camp Ashraf, even as Iraqi policemen stood ready at Camp Ashraf in case violence erupted. The government says it intends to take the exiles, members of the Mujaheddin-e Khalq, to camps in the south. (Hadi Mizban/associated Press) Iraqi policemen, at right, stood ready in case violence erupted. The government says it intends to take the exiles, members of the Mujaheddin-e Khalq, to camps in the south.

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