Iraq to move MKO Members from Ashraf Camp

HR Minster confirms the removal of 100 MEK from Iraq

Sudani pointed out that”the transfer process was being interspersed with interviews of individual members by the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in order to ascertain their choice to voluntary return to their country of origin or to apply for asylum for any country in the world; this resulted in the transfer of some 100 of them to other countries”. Sudani warned that”the transfer of MEK aka MEK/PMOI members from one place to another part..

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Iraq sends more MKO members to Temporary Transit Location

the group of 400 MKO members were transferred by 25 buses to TTL [Camp Liberty] which lies northeast of Baghdad International Airport.During the inspection of their equipment, Iraqi police found industrial materials that may be used in the manufacture of explosives.To date, nearly 1200 members of the cult were transferred to Camp Liberty in three groups of 400 each, February 18, 8, and March 20.

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Fourth group of MKO members to be moved from Camp Ashraf

The Iraqi government on Wednesday will evacuate a fourth batch of the terrorist Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) from Camp New Iraq, formerly known as Camp Ashraf, the governor of the Iraqi city of Khales said on Tuesday.It was decided that 3200 MKO members living in the Camp New Iraq be relocated in eight groups..

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Iraq to Expel More MKO Members after Arab League Summit

Another group of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) members who were under the Iraqi government’s pressures to leave Camp Ashraf are due to be expelled from the camp after the Arab League summit in Baghdad.The fourth stage of the MKO expulsion from Iraq will be done after the end of the Arab summit in Baghdad late March, an Iraqi official said.

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Iraq begins the Third Round of Expelling Mojahedin Khalq

On Monday night buses moved 400 residents from Camp Ashraf – built under Saddam and which remained under the protection of U.S. forces – to a former U.S. military base in Baghdad, said Uday al-Khadran, mayor of the nearby town of Khalis. The Iraqi government moved similar numbers of Ashraf residents to the temporary processing centre at Camp Liberty on February 18 and March 8 as part of its plans to expel them from the country.

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Martin Kobler in the European Parliament on the MKO

The infrastructure at Camp Liberty was indeed improved, but the basic services are guaranteed. The capacity of the camp was for use by 4000 – 5000 U.S. soldiers and UN staff. This has been sufficient and would offer ample space. The medical care at Camp Ashraf, although confined to two doctors and six nurses, but also including use of hospitals outside of Liberty, is guaranteed.

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Second stage of MKO’s relocation today

on Wednesday Oday Khadran was quoted by an Iraqi news agency as declaring: “tomorrow 400 other members will be expelled from Ashraf and transferred to Camp Liberty [Temporary Transit Location].”“The second stage of expulsion was due to be done last week, but because of some technical obstacles it was postponed,” Khadran said…The first step towards the relocation of the Mujahedin-e Khalq terrorist organization’s elements was taken in mid-February..

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Hundreds of MEK members refuse to move from Camp Ashraf

Alkhaddran told Alsumaria News”more than 400 members of the MEK organization (PMOI) in Camp Ashraf in Diyala, which represent the second group which the Iraqi government want to transfer to Camp Liberty in Baghdad refused to obey to the order of transfer.”Alkhaddran said,”The Iraqi government has concluded an agreement with the United Nations Organization for the transfer of MEK from Diyala to Baghdad,”..

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MEK terrorists in Iraq battle using press releases

An Iraq-based Iranian opposition group that is fixated on conspiracy theories allegedly carried out attacks in Iran and elsewhere for decades, but now relies on a different weapon: the press release.The United Nations mission here, which has been attempting to facilitate the exit of some 3,400 members of the opposition People’s Mujahedeen Organization of Iran (PMOI) from Iraq, where they have been based for decades, has been the latest target of the group..

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