Manipulation Techniques of the MEK cult leaders

MKO ex- members at the EU Press Club Conference

MKO defectors explained the situation of the MKO Cult hostages, esp. after their relocation in Albania. They also elaborated different aspects of the Cult manipulative techniques such as suppression, violation of human rights, complete mental and physical control over members, incarceration and torture and even assassination of dissidents, cutting members off the outside world esp. their family members, celibacy, cutting off any access to the outside media,… . Former members of the MKO Cult shared their experiences as eyewitnesses of the Cult practices with the audiences.

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Human Shield, Useful tool for the MKO and ISIS

Definitely, ISIS and Syrian rebels are considered friends of MKO/MEK/PMOI as well. Actually, the long-life policy of the leaders of the MKO/MEK/PMOI has always gotten in line with policies of enemies of the Iranian Government, regardless of ethics and moralities and justice. Double standard is the tool for hypocrites.Moreover, atrocities of the ISIS terrorists might seem so natural to the MKO

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Albania: Mojahedin Khalq (Rajavi cult) using slave labour to profit from business

Local observers in Tirana are reporting that the Mojahedin Khalq cultic terror group (MEK) is buying and creating several sandwich and kebab shops in the city and is using the MEK /MKO/PMOI members to work in these fast-food businesses. On the surface this may look like a positive move. In an article titled ‘Albania: What would a de-radicalization program for the Mojahedin Khalq involve’, it was …

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Iranpur Family pen letter to the Australia FM

They are constantly bombarded by all possible brainwashing tactics and techniques. These trapped members are not allowed to have access to telephone, mobile, internet, newspaper … etc. and have turned into weak and mentally unstable people who cannot decide for themselves any more. The Mojahedin Khalq did not let us even see or visit our loved ones as they are worried that a hint of the outside world could bring back all their human feelings….

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Why is the MKO so terrified by a gap in the curtains!?

Reasonably, a dozen of men and women in normal clothes of normal citizens with no weapons, behind a wooden gate secured by Iraqi police do not sound dangerous but the members of the Cult of Rajavi [MKO/MEK/PMOI]get really nervous and confused when they find themselves face to face to the people behind the torn curtains. Their anxiety comes from their fear of the outside world.

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Mothers, the forgotten victims of ISIS and the MEK

This is reminiscent of the mothers of the people deceived by the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK aka Rajavi cult) over three decades. As a result of deceptive recruitment, they were taken to bases in Iraq to commit terrorist acts against their homeland. They are also victims of cultic abuse and remain psychological and physical prisoners of the cult leader Massoud Rajavi, some in Iraq, some now in Albania …

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