Manipulation Techniques of the MEK cult leaders

Rajavi panic the collapse of his cult

The new commander for MKO aka MEK/PMOI members in Tirana seems to be fully trusted by the leaders. Faezeh Mohabatkar apparently fits all the criteria of a suppressive cult commander who is able to keep resettled members under the cult control by any means possible.

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Solidarity with women residing in the MKO camps

The impact of women’s rights abuse ranges from immediate to long-term multiple physical, sexual, and mental abuses, including death. It negatively affects women’s general well-being and prevents women from fully participating in society. Violence not only has negative impacts on the victims but also on their families, the community and the country at large. As a result of these abuses, women are facing grave consequences in the MKO.

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Iran Interlink Fourth Report from Baghdad

Massoud Khodabandeh from Iran Interlink visited Baghdad over ten days during October 2014 to gather the latest information pertaining to the Mojahedin Khalq presence in Iraq. Events in Iraq have been changing rapidly with the Iraqi army and militia mounting an effective offensive campaign against Daesh*. This report …

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1000 heroines out of 900 women in Camp Liberty !

Rajavi is not so creative to misuse the recent acid attacks in Iran. She seeks to find a way to show off her nonexistent feminist ideas! The truth about the conditions of women in the MKO camps is abuse, abuse, abuse! The Thousand Heroine of Liberty are banned from love, marriage, having children….

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Collapse of Morality in the MKO

For instance, marriage, maternal love, family life are regarded by the MKO leaders as counter values. In turn, polygamy, treason and divorce –that are usually considered as counter values– are recommended values in the Cult of Rajavi. The leader of the MKO is able to marry as many wives as he wants – up to the number of the Cult’s Elite Council, about 600 women

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Open Letter of Iranian Pen Club to Dr. Ahmad Shaheed

2. Unfortunately it has been reported that you are being feed by the sources that are linked to the Mujahidin Kalgh of Iran. Mujahidin of Iran lead by Masoud Rajavi and Maryam Rajavi pose as opposition to the Iranian Government, but in reality as far as human rights is concerned this cult greatly violates Human Rights …

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Modern Slavery in the Cult under Rajavi’s Program for Women

The testimonies of three interviewed women who are interviewed in the documentary severely challenge very special page on Maryam Rajavi’s website where its Gobbles propaganda issues a long statement titled “Women’s Freedoms and Equality in Tomorrow’s Iran”. Criticizing the Constitution of the Islamic Republic for violation of women rights…

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