Manipulation Techniques of the MEK cult leaders

MKO Ringleader Orders Execution of Defected Members

The ringleader of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as MEK, NCRI or PMOI), Maryam Rajavi, has issued an order for the assassination and execution of any member who intends to defect the group, media reports revealed on Saturday. Rajavi in a message two weeks ago branded those MKO …

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Memoirs of Abdulkarim Ebrahimi, MKO defector

I entered the MKO in 1989 after I was deceived by the phony promises of the group. As soon as I arrived in the MKO/MEK/PMOI, I found myself as a hostage in a inhumane cult where I even didn’t have the right to think freely. Any kind of socializing with others was forbidden as a “plot”. Members were under a 24-7 controlling system that forced them to attend daily and weekly sessions of inquisition…

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Suicide: First and Last Resort for the MKO

Each day 100 members of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) should set themselves on fire, in case of evacuation of Camp Liberty, Iraq, based on the new order by their guru, Massoud Rajavi. A smuggled letter by the camp residents handed over to Iraqi security guards….

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Beware of Maryam Rajavi’s deception

She used to tell us that we all belong to Masoud Rajavi, her husband. Our soul and body must be for him. We were told that without Masoud, we women did not mean anything. You must be ready to sacrifice your lives for him whenever he wanted. He owns our souls, blood and breath. You will leave Masoud only …

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Women’s rights according to Maryam Rajavi

Abusive attitude of the leaders of the Cult of Rajavi has had different dimensions; the most crucial one seems to be endured by female members of the cult. Although the self-claimed president of the MKO’s propaganda arm, Maryam Rajavi chants the slogan of “Revolutionary, Progressive, Moslem Women” among her Western brainwashed and/or paid audience, women who have recently left the MKO….

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Gross abuses continue in Mujahedin Khalq Camp

Although the illegal multi-million dollar lobby of the group brought it about with some paid advocators, yet the MKO/MEK/PMOI making use of the human rights issues bear no fruit for the group and the things doesn’t go as the group leaders wishes. The human rights issue resulted in the opposite of what they longed for.

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Rajavi orders the end of the fake hunger strikes

Now, a couple of months after Maryam Rajavi claimed the MKO/MEK/PMOI members’ hunger strike was voluntarily, she is urging them to end their strike, apparently because of a Spanish court’s ruling against the Iraqi Prime Minister’s Advisor. Mujahedin e-khalq organization has been recognized by many credible western sources as a cult-like organization …

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