Manipulation Techniques of the MEK cult leaders

Human Rights Declaration; MKO Version

The sight of Maryam Rajavi offering condolences for the passing away of Nelson Mandela was disturbing, considering that her husband as the fugitive leader of her group actively opposed and criticized Mandela’s legacy.Unlike Mandela, Rajavis cannot claim that they have sought to establish policy and practice in order to protect fundamental Human Rights.

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MKO: Don’t criticize us or you are IRI’s agent!

The cult-like substance of the MKO undermines any efforts by the group to get the gesture of a democratic alternative to Iranian government. Jeremia Goulka who is one of the co- authors of the RAND report on the MKO, suggests that the MEK vigorously denies that it is a cult, accusing critics of working for the Iranian regime or performing inadequate research.

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A way to victimize members

After the death of 52 Camp Ashraf residents who stayed there under the pretext of protecting the organization’s property the leaders called it a victory for MKO. And this story will repeat again and regardless of the lives it may cost as it is now more than a month that Liberty residents have gone on hunger strike based on an organizational decree.

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MKO Building a Cult Bastion in Albania

soon the group grabbed at the opportunity as the leaders realized there could be no better option than an immediate transfer to Albania to assess the chances of establishing a new cult bastion there. In contrast to the speculations that the relocation of the insiders would lead to diminish the imposed cultic practices, the current situation and condition of the insiders in Albanian refugee camp uncovers intensified instances of tough cultic….

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The MEK, Democrats or Terrorcrats?

Criticism in the MKO is unheard-of. While the group first founders started out with the rather good intentions, its current leaders Massoud and Maryam rajavi have definitely lost sight of the early presumable goals – the freedom of Iranian people, freedom of speech…. .In the face of any sort of criticism the MKO leaders and members – well manipulated – immediately respond with the same threadbare accusations that….

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Review of the situation of the inhabitants of Camp Liberty

Lately we received reports that Massoud Rajavi, despite his bravado, has lost control over a considerable part of his forces. He has clearly emphasized in his internal audio-conference with the inhabitants of Camp Liberty that he would not allow anyone to leave Iraq. So far he has blocked all possibilities of moving to third countries and …

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Memoirs of Nasrin Ebrahimi, MKO EX-member_ Part 6

when the Rajavis got to know that the nonsense they want to push as the solution for sexual problem is not helpful, Maryam began speaking of sharing Massoud with other women in the group. “Massoud does not belong to Maryam Rajavi”, Maryam said.”He belongs to all women. All of them have the right to imagine themselves with Massoud but if they think of any other man they cheat on Rajavi .You have the best husband in the world!”..

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Memoirs of Nasrin Ebrahimi, MKO ex- member_Part 5

Particularly, female superior officials who were mostly elderly, tried to meet their emotional needs by making friends among the women under their rule.The other problem caused because of sexual deprivation unfortunately led members to terrible conducts. The bitter truth is that many women in Camp Ashraf have resorted to masturbation…

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MKO tries to keep its brainwashed members in the group

There are many more factors in the cult[MKO/MEK/PMOI] behavior which may answer why they turned down Albania’s offer. My guess is, someone high up the ladder told them to decline, and it was not the decision of the individual 200+ members. They want to keep their strength in numbers, and their hold over the members.

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