Manipulation Techniques of the MEK cult leaders

Memoirs of Nasrin Ebrahimi, MKO ex- member_Part 4

The self-criticism meetings were actually trials where you had no attorney, no right to defend yourself. You had to hear your comrades verbally abuse you. During the trial, there was no justice; nothing was fair… That was why in Ashraf the word Meeting was the equivalent of Stress and Fear. That was why, with my eyes I begged that girl who had found me listening to music, asking her not to tell it to anyone!

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Ashamed of your Leader? Silencing the victims of MKO to promote Rajavi’s phoney feminism

These women face a backlash of ‘power and money’ to stop them talking, while the same ‘power and money’ grooms the perpetrator, Maryam Rajavi, to talk about the rights of women and criticise marriage laws and say how they should be changed in the favour of women. ‘Power and money’ believe the MEK should not only be removed from terrorism lists but should be paraded in parliaments as exemplars of feminism. ‘Power and money’ are so dishonest that they cast the MEK in the role of victim..

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Memoirs of Nasrin Ebrahimi, MKO ex- member_Part 3

We were given necklaces by Massoud that meant that we were connected to the leadership. As we were going ahead in meetings, new subjects would emerge. For example, after we got the necklaces, the subject “4 walls” [chardivari] was proposed; the meaning of the new subject was that we had an owner, named Massoud Rajavi. Maryam Rajavi typically told us:”You have the most handsome and the best husband in the world. How a married woman let herself think of another man?..

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Camp Ashraf, Rajavi’s Cult Milieu

MKO inaugurated the ideological revolution to introduce a charismatic authoritarian leader to exert control over every aspect of his adherents’ life and to establishing a totalitarian pyramidal structure where the chosen devoted commanders would act as the leader’s deputies in his absence. But the leader needed certain facilities to implement the newly devised mind control. The most important prerequisite was of course a remote place isolated….

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European intellectual views on the Cult of Rajavi – Part2

Rajavi is an intelligent person on the ground of using contrasts in inhuman way. Using political contrasts in the past and present time, he could build places like Ashraf or Ouver Sur d’Oise to control individuals.He well recognized political splits and used the challenges and clashes in politics to maintain the structure of his cult. He knows whom to contact…

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Do not Disturb – Criminals at work in Camp Liberty

The women described a bizarre process of preparation for their sexual encounter with Rajavi which was facilitated by and presided over by Maryam Rajavi, who, they said, procured specific women from the membership for Massoud’s use. The women were made to believe that refusal to participate would result in demotion, humiliation and even worse punishments. ..

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NO EXIT An Investigative Documentary on MKO

An investigative documentary, showing how the Mujahedin Khalgh Organization (MEK aka MKO/PMOI) treated its members and the efforts made by the members to escape … Research suggests that most of the MeK rank-and-file are neither terrorists nor freedom fighters, but trapped ..

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Nejat Society Letter to the UN Secretary General

the leaders of the MKO seek to turn Camp Liberty to a small-size Camp Ashraf, with the same regulations and the same cult-like structure. They have ramped up suppression against members in order to prevent the collapse of the group. Thus, their last resort for the time being is to push the UN to recognize Liberty as a Refugee Camp. This way, they can prolong their stay ..

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The Cult of Mojahedin: A Modern Cult of Personality

Sending the members to live among the free society is even more crucial when the cult comes to be a hypocritically political one ..At the present, Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI/NCR), or Mojahedin Cult/Cult of Mojahedin as it is notoriously reputed and referred to, may be the sole political-terrorist cult of personality that avails big number of live-in and live-out members.

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MEK has turned Camp Liberty into a prison

She adds that MEK/MKO/PMOI leaders have ordered a kind of separation and segregation. Every 3-4 residential building in the camp are set for a group of members and they have to spend their time inside the isolated section.”They are using some sort of curtains to cover each section. People have to stay inside this area even for eating. So the only things they can see are a few others and the sky.”

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