Manipulation Techniques of the MEK cult leaders

What’s new at Camp Liberty in Baghdad?

Information received from inside both Ashraf and Liberty relates that all other tasks can be stopped inside the MKO so that the process of mind manipulation and brainwashing sessions are not stopped. These reports state that each member attends 3 to 5 meetings of this kind each day. In these meetings – under the label of opportunism – the issue of escaping from the cult is discussed..

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MKO developed brainwashing for suicide bombing over thirty years

the Rajavis say that a member of the MEK aka MKO/PMOI has to offer their blood and breath to the leadership. They continue that, if any member is not willing to offer his/her life for the cause of the group, his or her life is Haram (forbidden). What makes MEK scarier is that the group has never taken any practical step to distance itself from its history of violation and terror. ..

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Open Letter from Sahar Family Foundation to Martin Kobler

Massoud Rajavi arranged a video conference with Ashraf inhabitants towards the end of September 2011..He directly threatened members of his cult that during interviews they should not say or write anything but their names and the period they have been in Ashraf garrison, and should not mention anything about wishing to leave the base of the cult since this would produce severe consequences for them.

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Prisoners of Camp Ashraf

The Rajavis, meanwhile, have left the residents to the camp. Maryam resides comfortably in Paris, and Massoud is in hiding. What reason, then, for the continued existence of Camp Ashraf? Why do the Rajavis hang onto their followers in their prison-like enclave, even with the deadline fast approaching? They understand well that without the camp, the MEK aka MKO/PMOI would lose its legitimacy, and so, therefore, would the Rajavis.

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Ali Einakian;Joining and leaving Mujahedin – Part 2

When I was released from Rajavi’s prison and found myself in free world, I was still mentally captured by Rajavi’s indoctrinations so all the timeI was challenging myself on the decision I had made. After some time when I saw Iraqis’ warm behavior, I changed my mind that had been manipulated by Rajavi for years. MKO leader had always tried to make a terrible enemy out of Iraqi new government..Now I am able to realize what is really going on in the world. It’s true that Rajavi stole 25 years of my life and now I’m not young anymore but I can use my experience..

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Rajavi incites brainwashed Mojahedin to burn themselves

… In addition to the torture of the MKO members, cult leader Rajavi initiated the anti-humanitarian act …to deny families who have gathered at the camp gates from seeing their children, and on the other hand to prevent the families from checking the health of their loved ones. Iraqi police intervened last week through inspection of the [MKO/MEK/PMOI] hospital, which is part of the sovereignty of Iraq, to provide medicine and doctors. But the MKO leaders took the initiative to send members to injure themselves to prevent the entry of Iraqi police …

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MKO Starts Brainwashing Members to Stop Defection

the MKO ringleaders allege that their brainwashing plans are aimed at increasing the costs of the camp’s sealing and incarceration by the Iraqi security forces for the Baghdad government…the new measure came after protests remarkably increased inside the group. Right groups are gravely concerned that a large number of MKO members may lose their lives soon if UN, human rights and Iraqi officials do not force the group leaders to end their tortures and pressures against the dissident members.

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MKO Cult qualifies as a “Closed High Demand Group”

Members of MKO who live at Camp Ashraf, Iraq have been kept in an atmosphere of horror and isolated from the outside world—especially since the collapse of Saddam Hussein. The group was disarmed by coalition forces and their leader, Massoud Rajavi disappeared—fearing for his life, as he was a close ally of Saddam Hussein—going as far as helping the Ba’athist government exterminate hundreds of Kurds as well as plant bombs against the Iranian people. Members are so highly controlled that they are not able to trust their own families.

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Help the hostages taken by terrorist Mojahedin Khalq

… It is good to see that the State Department has included the name of National Council of Resistance (NCRI) in the list of terrorists as another name for Mojahedin Khalq but we believe that there should be less tolerance of this organisation and certainly more help to free the ones who do not wish to continue working for this terrorist (MKO, MEK, NCRI, Rajavi cult) organisation. The families of the victims of this terrorist cult, some of them have not seen their loved ones for the last two decades..

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Interview with Alireza Einakian, MKO former member- Part1

..To bar the members from runaway, they control all departures and arrivals to the complex at night. You cannot simply leave the building. On the other side, the commandants have some control systems to control members, especially low-ranking members. The control is particularly heightened in collective ceremonies. There are also some patrolling cars to control all trafficking in the camp. When the Iraqis are closer to the members, they increase guards to stop the members from joining Iraqi forces..

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