Manipulation Techniques of the MEK cult leaders

Interview with Mahmoud Dashtestani– Part1

now that I am in Iran, if you ask me how I feel, I tell you that I have one precious thing here; freedom. Here, my mind, my sole, my emotions, my feelings, my life are free. I am free to choose what to eat, what to wear, where to go. You are totally free in your life and that’s what you can never imagine in Camp Ashraf where everything begins and ends in the leader and his will.

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Diabolical Sex Abuse Practiced by MKO Leader, Massoud Rajavi

As a victim, Soltani has a unique perspective. She revealed that under this pretext of “unification with the leader,” the women[in MKO/MEK/PMOI cult] are told to revere him—and that he is the only source of truth in their lives—then they are exploited sexually..the women are simply too vulnerable, and Rajavi wants to keep them that way…According to Batoul Soltani, there are some hundreds women with the leadership council rank—many or all of whom in some way or another are being subject to form a diabolical union with the leader, Massoud Rajavi.

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Complex brainwashing and indoctrination methods in the PMOI

These PMOI/NCRI/MKO/MEK Muslim women, after passing through many years under religious-cultic indoctrination, entered into the final test to show that they were ready to carry out anything desired by their leaders, even by trampling their Islamic regulations. Their nude dancing in front of Massoud and Maryam Rajavi was the final phase of their brainwashing to become committed, loyal and devoted to their gurus, Massoud and Maryam Rajavi. It showed their allegiance …Massoud Rajavi is a highly lustful and salacious leader, who wants to take advantage of the women ..

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Massoud Rajavi wants to be worshiped as …..!!!!!!

… I remember that one of the Leadership Council, Mrs Soosan Taleghani, told us that Massoud Rajavi is Imam Hussein and Maryam is Hazrateh Zeynab. In this organization Massoud’s character was as a man without any sin and guilt and he was an innocent and sinless leader and all mistakes and sins and guilt pertained to everyone except him and his wife. Once, Mehdi Abrichamchi (Maryam Rajavi’s first husband) said in one particular organizational gathering that, “Massoud is not responsible to anyone except God for his actions and …

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Cultic identity formation in Mojahedin Khalq

… As cults [like MKO/MEK/PMOI/NCR] have developed their own principles and rules, their reactions to the outside world are based on some certain criteria different from that of other political and social organizations that have to exercise the discipline of their own in order to achieve certain objectives; however, rarely they make use of any process to forge identities. At the present, cults are largely in need of obedient and …

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Rajavi, the God of Ashraf

In a strikingly similar fashion to Hassan Sabbah, in the early1980’s Massoud Rajavi, came to realize that in order to achieve organizational efficiency and maintain his own power, a system must be implemented for the MEK/MKO/PMOI. Professor Ervand Abrahamian—one of the world’s foremost experts on the cult, whose 1989 extensively researched book, The Iranian Mojahedin is still being used to educate professors, politicians and policymakers all over the world—details the cult’s history and evolution.

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On Mojahedin Khalq cultic and deterrent measures

… The main point is the indirect presence of Rajavi in the sessions. Though his physical absence may have some negative consequences, even his indirect presence may double the mental and psychological upshots therein. Another point is how Rajavi develops his relationship with MKO/MEK/PMOI members …

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Maryam Rajavi and 12 months to overthrow

As a matter of fact it has always been a special policy in MKO history to determine a time for the fall of IRI. The use of the policy is that the leaders of the cult find a new topic for their manipulative sessions, they entertain the members injecting them the hope for the victory of their so-called struggle, especially in the current declining situation of the group in Iraq.

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Member – Leader relationship within MKO cult

The internal relation in MKO/MEK/PMOI has been based on “ambition” and “obedience” as the two faces of same coin. The “ambitions” of leaders lead to “obedience” of members. Such a notorious relationship makes a horrifying network of terror and cult-like practices. .Long term membership in such a cult paralyzes logic and common sense of individuals and paves the way for manipulative practices …member becomes an automatic machine which works under the leader’s order. Thus they are always prepared to be sent for suicide operations.

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