Manipulation Techniques of the MEK cult leaders

The significance of regular inquisition within MKO cult – Part1

… The publication of Rajavi’s own presence in the management of these sessions is of very significance and may raise some speculations. It may mean the termination of his organizational-cultic hide-out to stop the disintegration of the organization, a warning for the outsiders, or his presence in camp Ashraf and …it is very likely that Masoud Rajavi is settled somewhere inside Camp Ashraf..

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36 detainees attend cleansing meeting after their release

The 36 Ashraf residents, who had been detained by Iraqi Police after the raid on the camp, attended their cleansing meeting under the supervision of Massoud Rajavi, following their release from Iraqi prison. The video of the meeting was aired on MKO’s[PMOI/MEK] TV channel and published on their website a few days ago but only for a short time. The video showed some of the released members attending the meeting on their hospital bed. They attended the meeting just a few hours after their release. This shows how vital indoctrination meetings are for cult leaders.

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Massoud and Maryam were the mainspring of operations

(An interview with Batool Soltani on MKO self-immolations – Part 37 ) – before their departure, they would once meet with Massoud Raajvi which worked as a factor of encouragement. He would talk to them on the phone or received them individually in the presence of Maryam where they gave their pledge of loyalty to the red-line and the MKO/MEK/PMOI organizational principles and that the enemy would never succeed to have access to anything out of them. . These meeting were really instrumental . ..

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Fear and Slavery in the Mojahedin-e Khalq cult

… This threat does not come from outside agencies, but arises directly from the cult nature of the organisation itself; hence the MKO/MEK/PMOI leaders’ hysteria over eight family members knocking at the camp gate asking to see their relatives … These eight – and the other small groups and individuals who have arrived at the camp over the past six years – are terrifying agents capable of destroying Rajavi’s dedicated, self-sacrificing, totally committed force of Mojaheds?

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Iran sees less threat in exiled MKO militants

“I think you would find the current President [Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad more democratic than the Mujahideen,”says Mr. Abrahamian.”Even in the early 1970s, it had turned into a cult organization…. The remaining members … will do whatever [MKO leader Massoud] Rajavi tells them.” The State Department’s terrorism report last year said the MKO maintains”the capacity and will to commit terrorist acts in Europe, the Middle East, the United States, Canada and beyond.”

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MKO leaders are afraid of the truths that detainees found out

the 36 Ashraf residents who were arrested by Iraqi police after the raid on Camp Ashraf in July 28th,were released on Wednesday October 7th , the detainees who were on hunger strike (that was ordered by cult leaders) while they were in Iraqi prison were taken to hospital due to their crucial health problem according to MKO’s spokesperson and now they are in a kind of medical quarantine ! After about 5 days since their release there has been no special news or interviews on MKO’s/PMOI/MEK websites..

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Defining an MKO organizational jargon

(An interview with Batool Soltani on MKO self-immolations – Part 25).. the term ‘pardakhtgar’ can be defined; that is to say, a member of the organization sacrifices his love and affection for the family and associates so they may transcend the limits of the material world and achieve the sphere of an unconditional love and affection that could include not only the beloved around them but the humanity in general. His struggle and immolation is to stop people paying for the attention and affection they receive and to purify the atmosphere ..

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17 June immolations and the test of commitment

(An interview with Batool Soltani on MKO self-immolations – Part 21)..A look at the organization’s[MKO/MEK/PMOI] own media at that time and later reveals that it had designated a big bulk of its propaganda space, both cyber and non-cyber, for the reflection of the relevant issues and news and did not spare to stick even at the trifles. The origin of these news was often the organization itself and most often used them quoted from other news agencies; as it benefitted the effect of media coverage on the incidents of 17 June immolations.

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MKO Abuse of Neda and Sedigheh’s death

(An interview with Batool Soltani on MKO self-immolations – Parts nineteen-twenty).. … it was the attempt to mythicize their death and consecrate them as saints and legendry heroines. Multitudes of poems, elegies and songs as well as the already mentioned mystical dances were composed and manipulated to justify the wounded and the dead of the immolation operations … The function of art was converted here; to die for the ideals is evaluated a fair, worthy death, but to die for an egoist who believes in no humanistic ideal value ..

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