Manipulation Techniques of the MEK cult leaders

Cults, wonderful on the outside, manipulating on the inside

The threat made by cults must be taken as serious because this methodology requires a large-scale complicated recruitment and manipulation process to which no one is immune. Ann Singleton the British woman who was once a member of Rajavi’s cult( MKO/PMOI) believes that “the irony was that I was in a state of modern slavery. I was mentally chained to the Mujahedin… Psychological manipulation can happen to anyone, any time. If you’re lucky, you end up with a timeshare”

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Modern Slavery in cult of Rajavi

People in Auvers-sur-Oise in a Parisian suburb are living next door to slaves without knowing it. The MKO members in Camp Maryam, France and Camp Ashraf, Iraq, are suffering the same poor conditions of the enslaved captives. These victims who are kept in a strange land ..

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(Memoirs of Batul Soltani – Part 6)if you have not been a member of the MKO cult, it is too hard to understand what the “systematic control” is. I will mention some aspects of it which I myself used to control members with…For the MKO leaders, it is not important what the defector wants to do. The only crucial thing is whether she will or won’t talk against the MKO. Only her silence matters. They want the defectors to leave, keep quiet and die…

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Cult victims arrested in Finland need psychological help

Two leading Mojahedin-e Khalq members, Hadi Roshanravani (62) and Mohammad-Ali Jaberzadeh Ansari (60) have been arrested by Interpol on entering Finland some days ago. Iran-Interlink believes that extradition of the men to Iran will not serve anybody’s interests.we do believe that as members of a destructive cult (the Mojahedin-e Khalq) they must not be handed back to the MKO on their release. We urge the Finnish authorities to put aside the political rhetoric which surrounds the arrest of these victims and look at the evidence of psychological manipulation used by the cult to coerce and control its membership.

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A Call To Disclose Cult Abnormalities

More than two decades ago when Massoud Rajavi informed of the great change and ideological revolution within Mojahedin Khalq Organization /MKO/PMOI/MEK, still believing to be active as a political group, hardly anybody first came to assume that it was actually the beginning of a long path leading the organization into the abyss of internal and external challenges.

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Maryam Rajavi’s Camp; Inside and Outside

The European base of Mujahedin Khalq Organization(PMOI/MEK), near Auver sur Oise. in Cergy-Pontoise province, France, has played various roles as the MKO’s headquarters for its armed struggle against Iran, since its foundation under the confirmation of then French government, following its defeat in the partisan civil clashes, the leaders of the organization fled from Iran and the second phase of civil clashes was ordered and directed by the leader from their European base in France…it’s another version of “Ashraf in Iraq” called as “Maryam in France”.

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How many women of PMOI have reached the summit?

In the Mujahedin Khalq Organization the hysterectomy surgery is considered as reaching the summit..The people‘s Mujahedin of Iran(PMOI/MKO) does hysterectomy surgeries on women ranks and file and promotes them to the Ideal Summit [total devotion to leader] .They have made 150 women barren so far. ..Some of the women even didn’t have any idea of the operation done on their body since they were told false justifications.

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Instillation of Hatred in the Cult of Mujahedin

cult leaders unit members and gave them enemies to hate and comrades to love but love towards other members is replaced by hatred and disgust to prevent the formation of dissidence and objection within the cult…Many MKO/PMOI ex-members point out that they had to express their hatred to their relatives, friends and even their parents in order to pass the phases of the ideological revolution of the Mujahedin. The more hatred they showed to outsiders, the more loyal they proved to be to the leader

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Learning prohibited in the Cult of Mojahedin

Absolute pragmatism constitutes one of the main parts of controlling system in MKO or the so called PMOI. It bans any kind of study aiming at improving theoretical political knowledge..Absolute submission to leadership is considered to be one of the inseparable aspects of all political cults and that of Mujahedin. Mojahedin’s theoreticians have focused on such a feature and calling Rajavi the man of ideology within MKO/MEK, point to blind obedience of members as their sole way of salvation.

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Camp Ashraf, a heavily controlled cult haven

Of the most common controlling techniques within MKO is that of collective control. Camp Ashraf plays an important role in keeping full all-out control over all members as well as carrying out brainwashing mechanisms. Strengthening security systems within Ashraf to prevent the members’ exit, resistance against transferring Mojahedin to other places and such activities imply the necessity of collective life for Mojahedin

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