Manipulation Techniques of the MEK cult leaders

Cultic Collective life

Collective life constitutes one of the most significant stages of human development; however, nowadays some cultist groups misuse it as a favored means through which a variety of controlling techniques such as brainwashing and mental exploitation of their members is accomplished…A kind of discipline is exercised within cults much stronger than that of army, schools, political groups, etc. Such a discipline covers all aspects of cult members’ life such as their mentality, beliefs, sleep, food, leisure time, occupation, emotional relations, blood ties…

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Enforced internal intelligence activities in MKO

Mojahedin-e Khalq organization resorts to brainwashing and controlling techniques as well as engaging in other blameful activities such as training spies in a way different from other political and security systems…We usually strive to reveal in others the blemishes we hide in ourselves. Thus when the frustrated congregate in a mass movement, the air is heavy-laden with suspicion. There is prying and spying, tense watching and a tense awareness of being watched.

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A Cult Technique to Crush Antagonism

Being a cult of personality and susceptible to schism especially after the coupe d’état-like internal ideological revolution, MKO, facing increasing internal challenges, concocted excuses mainly to confront dissidents that could possibly nurture schism….The technique of eliciting confessions was practiced in collective gatherings and the members were forced to admit to their antagonistic and contradictory outlook not only about the leadership but also about other organizational issues

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Implication of Change in MKO

a cult to form a totalitarian society needs to bring about a profound change in members for achieving oneness with cult…Being recognized a cult of personality after its recognition as a terrorist group, Mojahedin Khalq Organization, MKO/MEK/PMOI, has developed its own terminology of cult values to entrap new recruits and to subjugate the already activists.

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The Cultic Change Enforced Through Letters

in a systematic fashion of letter writing, they began to write open letters of congratulation to the newly wed Rajavis, and Massoud Rajavi himself in particular, for the heroic move and the initiated new phase in MKO. A look at the countless volume of these letters, known as the letters of ideological revolution, with identical themes of expressing total devotion to the leadership and his novel ideological revolution well indicates the Mujahedin Khalq organization’s resort to crafts to subjugate its own insiders

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Mojahedin Khalq Coercive Cult Techniques

the adopted process by MKO verifies illegitimacy of the organization as a political organization and best lists it as a cult of personality. Thus, the process becomes known as a technique of persuasion. In Mojahedin organization, they employ a variety of techniques to change a member’s personality. It is common that a free man has a pile of different point of views and personal tastes and experience of his own career. But thoughtfulness and having the power of reasoning and understanding is in contradiction with the dominant hegemonic leadership within the Mujahedin. A unanimous thinking route is believed to decrease any objection, disagreement and criticism and makes all liable to obedience. Thus, any member had to pass a long process of personality change.

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Implementation of Violence in the Cult of Mojahedin

Potential for violence exists in many cultic groups particularly if they are engaged in underground activities or follow a Machiavellian philosophy of ‘ends justify the means’. Obviously, there is no easy way to predict which group may become involved in terrorism, violence, or suicide operations unless there is a record of already perpetrated instances of violence by the cult even if such deeds might have been ceased temporarily for certain reasons

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Rajavi, the absolute cult authority

A charismatic leader does not appear in a vacuum and is in part the product of a larger social or political trend. To build a hierarchical authority with him atop, a charismatic leader claims divinity or special knowledge and demands unquestioning obedience and devotion from the followers. Doubting or questioning the leader’s authority is not at all tolerated and the leader may be aided by one or more core of leaders.

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Rerepsentavie of Anjomane Solh in Oslo meets with Ms.Erika Man MEP

the representative of Anjomane Solh Norway along with his delegation met honourable member of European Parliament, Ms.Erika Man at the sideline of Peace Conference on South Asia recently held in Oslo, the capital of Norway. The purpose of the talks was to introduce the organization specially activities of the Anjoman with regard to human rights and secondly, explaining about disaffected people from Mojahedin …

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What is a Destructive Cults?

By learning to identify the these patterns you will be better qualified to determine if someone you care about is actually involved with a cult. A group should not be considered a “cult” merely because of its unorthodox belief or practices. Instead, destructive cults are distinguished by their use of deception and mind control techniques to determine a person’s free will and make him dependent on the group’s leader.

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