Manipulation Techniques of the MEK cult leaders

Domestic servitude in the cult of Rajavi

The Mujahedin Khalq Organization ( the MKO/MEK/PMOI/the Cult of Rajavi) meets certain aspects of features of modern slavery that are identified by the US State Department. However, domestic servitude is the one which seems to fit the slavery practices in the Cult of Rajavi more than the other forms do.

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Albania’s Modern Slavery Problem Alienates Europe

But there is another form of slavery hidden in plain sight: political slavery. This is not difficult to detect …The exiled Iranian Mojahedin Khalq organisation (MEK aka MKO, NCRI, Rajavi cult) is one such group. It describes itself as a democratic political organisation, the main opposition to the Islamic Republic of Iran. But the life of the members speaks of a very different story…

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Open letter to Valerie CROVA the top journalist of “Culture Radio” France

Why in this cult, Rajavi cult, all the women who were forced to get married to Massoud Rajavi and go to bed with him , had to go under surgical operation to take out their wombs to become sterile? As a free journalist and free media , where have you seen or read in this world that a political party or a group for the sake of struggle for freedom and democracy force their members to get divorced and the divorced women have …

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The MKO, a destructive cult of confession

Lifton suggests, “Through this milieu control the totalist environment seeks to establish domain over not only the individual’s communication with the outside (all that he sees and hears, reads or writes, experiences, and expresses), but also – in its penetration of his inner life – over what we may speak of as his communication with himself.” He seems to be describing the milieu of Camp Ashraf, Camp Liberty, the MKO headquarters in Paris and even its current base in Albania.

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MEK fits well into definition of cult

There are credible reports – including statements by Ms. Soltani, a former member of the MEK/MKO/PMOI leadership who was close to Rajavi- that Rajavi has a variety of scenarios for sexual relationship with the cult’s women. The question is that how Rajvi could do these acts despite being under political pressure and involved in covert actions. How can this …

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MKO dissident members at Abu Quraib Prison!

In January 21, 2002 a number of 50 MKO/MEK/PMOI dissident members whom were handed over to the Iraqi former dictator; Saddam Hussein by Massoud Rajavi, got released by the help of international organizations.Honoring this day, I want to remind Massoud Rajavi and Mujahein-e Khalq that …

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