Membership in the MEK as a cult

MKO ex- members at the EU Press Club Conference

MKO defectors explained the situation of the MKO Cult hostages, esp. after their relocation in Albania. They also elaborated different aspects of the Cult manipulative techniques such as suppression, violation of human rights, complete mental and physical control over members, incarceration and torture and even assassination of dissidents, cutting members off the outside world esp. their family members, celibacy, cutting off any access to the outside media,… . Former members of the MKO Cult shared their experiences as eyewitnesses of the Cult practices with the audiences.

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Great gathering of Mujahedin-e Khalq Cult critics in Paris

Recounting their ordeals, ex-members exposed the deceptive, inhumane and cultic nature of the MKO. The action welcomed by French citizens as well as Iranians residing there. Ms. Batoul Soltani, Ms. Homeira Mohammadnejad, Ms. Zahra Moeini and Mr. Issa Azadeh as first hand witnesses, shared their experiences within the cult with the spectators…

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The Cult of Rajavi has all criteria of Modern Slavery

According to the Walk Free Foundation half of the victims of modern slavery are girls and women and 1/3 of detected victims of slavery is a child. As for the MKO/MEK/PMOI Cult about 900 people out of its near 3000 victims are female and a large number of children of the group members have been also victims of its destructive cult-like system.Based on testimonies of former members of the group such as Nadereh Afshar …

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Elimination Project, Masoumeh Gheibipour

Batul Soltani who was a friend of Masoumeh stated how Masoumeh left her life behind by openly criticizing the leaders’ approaches in public meetings. “She was so courageous that she could stand up in the meetings and say “Ideological leadership is a suppressive argument.” Her courageous objections was then resulted in grave pressure by the side of the group authorities or her peers.

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Elimination projects in the MKO – Alan Mohammadi

Alan was 14 years old when she was brought to Camp Ashraf to visit her parents who were members of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization. She had been sent to Europe after the so-called ideological revolution in the MKO/MEK/PMOI that forced couples to divorce and eventually to leave their children.

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Defector of the MKO reopen the black Box of Camp Ashraf Massacre

The human wall was formed by young women. They wanted to pretend that Rajavi was in the base ignoring his disappearance since years ago. They cried so badly that the poor rank and file would believe that Massoud Rajavi was really there. This was another fraudulent show by Rajavi to give the false impression that he was in Iraq together with his rank and file!

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