Membership in the MEK as a cult

For the MEK some families are good but others are “agents”

They are afraid of being labelled by the MEK/MKO/PMOI, so instead of defending the right of all families to find their loved ones, they separate the families into ‘mine and yours’. They advocate for the human rights of Rahimi and Sepher, but not for other families. This is the same thing the MEK does; if you are with us you are a ‘family’, if not you are an ‘agent’. ..

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True Threat of Terrorism: Human Beings who turned into “acolytes” of Rajavi

As leaders of a cult, Massoud Rajavi and his wife definitely know how “to convince ordinary people to commit unspeakable atrocities”. The “acolytes” of Massoud and Maryam Rajavi, committed numerous acts of violence including military operations, mortar attacks, suicide attacks and assassinations. One significant example of the MKO’s aka MEK/PMOI “unspeakable atrocities” was the suppression of Kurdish uprising in Iraq. Read Rubin’s account of the story: “In 1991, when Mr. Hussein….

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Brainwashing? There should be a law against it

Prime Minister David Cameron has already uttered the word brainwashing in speeches about Radicalisation. There was no public outcry or panic. Ordinary people know what he means. What a law would do is to give a precise definition which would allow us to ‘join the dots’ between seemingly …

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Family, Menacing Icon for the Cult of Rajavi

On the other side of the battle, the MKO’s/MEK/PMOI propaganda does not remain silent. It publishes a so-called letter of families of liberty residents to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon. In the alleged letter, the alleged “liberty residents’ families residing in Europe and the United States” are “gravely concerned” about the lives of their children!The so-called letter is a failed tactic because of the numerous evidences…

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Mujahedin-e Khalq imprisoned me for 14 years

I immigrated to Turkey for sewing; the work I was proficient at. After a month I met a man who said he could send me to Europe via Iraqi border providing me with a good job and residency. I was fascinated by his false propaganda. In a week he provided my documents. Then I was transferred to Iraq and Camp Ashraf…

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Open letter to UNHCR

Considering all the facts and the grim condition of the Camp and its residents, we urge you to contact each individual personally oppose to listening to their so called “representatives”. It is the basic right of every citizen in a free society, even in prisons, and should not be denied to these individuals …

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How Do Terrorist Groups and Cults Attract Followers?

What they replace those dots with is not as important as how they define them. For example, in MeK, along with the fluctuating whims and interests of its leader—Masoud Rajavi—how to love and worship God and resist and fight those who oppose them has changed many times. “God” has been substituted …

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Family Revives the Experience of the Free Life, Rajavi Fears

The propaganda of the MKO/MEK/PMOI tries to demonize the families labeling them as “agents of the Iranian intelligence ministry”. The group leaders even indoctrinated members to turn against their families. In several cases, children were shown on the MKO TV channel verbally abusing their parents accusing them of working for the “regime”…

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MKO leader threaten members to death penalty

On the occasion of October 10th, World Day Against Death Penalty , the Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s propaganda arm, holds an alleged conference in Paris where its leader Maryam Rajavi claimed,” Our plan is an Iran without the death penalty”(!)Meanwhile, a number of defectors of the MKO/MEK/PMOI hold rallies, take actions and issue statements…

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