Membership in the MEK as a cult

Rajavi’s senior translator defects from MEK, makes revelation

Working as a senior translator for Mujahedin-e Khalq terrorist group, he was translating the group’s publications, announcements, letters, statements, and their website into Arabic…Ghorban Ali Hosseini then made reference to MKO’s creating schism and fueling the ethnic and religious divisions in Iraq, escalation of conflicts between..

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Sirous Morsalpour declares defection from the MKO

I declare that I left the group because of the reasons coming below. May you judge what I went through…Although I could have had surgery outside Ashraf, I was not allowed to go to the hospital [outside the Camp] to have surgery. They suggested unfounded reasons including the transfer to Camp Liberty[TTL]. ..So I asked them to send me to liberty but they unreasonably declined.

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Former MeK top official answers questions

through use of different techniques of mind manipulation I was forced to give them whatever they asked me; first any capital or material things we had; then any love, attachments or relation we had with our country, our family and friends in Iran; then when they asked all members to divorce their spouses, I lost love of my life, my dear wife and could not see my children for almost six years; I lost part of my health, and many times were on the edge of dying for them. ..

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MKO defector declares separation

Mr. Khoda Bakhsh Mirian left the Mujahedin Khalq Organization and joined Iraqi forces on February 14, 2012 and stepped in the free world declared his separation from the group in a brief letter to Sahar Family Foundation in Baghdad…Definitely, my family paid the price of my mistake more than I did. I wasted ten best years of my life, seeing and hearing what I hardly ever can describe, because all those sufferings and pains will be reviewed in my mind.

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MKO cult leader, imposes conditions for releasing his hostages

Rajavi has declared to the forces who sought departure that if they announce that they are”frightened”,”desperate”, and”regretful of fighting with the regime”, he would let them to leave the camp through three ways: 1. Betimes he introduces them to an Iraqi police station. 2. Each individual’s family to come and remove him/ her. 3. After lifting the siege and in possible time, they would be allowed to go out to everywhere, provided that ..

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Mr. Najarian declares his separation from MKO

After I joined the cult[MKO/MEK/PMOI] in Iraq, I underwent too much suffering for over a decade. At least I came to the painful fact that the organization had abused me and thousands of other members who had once joined it devotedly and sincerely. It was nothing but a destructive cult of personality that was due to satisfy the interests of Rajavi.

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MKO has ruined my life

..I was wrong for more than two decades and I was deceived by Rajavi’s mottos; when I found out his deceptive and manipulative nature I found myself stuck in a hell with no way back.”“My youth, spirit, feelings, family, freedom, soil and even my humanity have been sacrificed for MKO/MEK/PMOI and their interests,” he stated.

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Three Former members announce separation from the MKO

During recent clashes with Iraqi forces, they made us get involved in clashes with Iraqis. They told that the Iraqi soldiers had come there to arrest us and hand us to Iran where we would be certainly tortured and executed. Therefore we thought that we had to fight with Iraqi forces at any cost even our death.Families’ presence in front of the Camp, created hope of a new life in our hearts and the fear of leaving the group and fear of Iraqi forces lowered in our heart ..

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MeK Gestapo to blackmail the trapped forces

Information received from the Camp Ashraf suggests that, despite receiving no green light from Europe to accept Mujahedeen, the MeK administrators tricky and deceitfully have attempted to blackmail the troops, in order to reduce the consequences of Camp Ashraf closure, and they are installing the software of Inhibition in their minds..

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Memoirs of Ms. Zahra Mirbaqeri; MKO ex-member

The second issue is about torture of patients in Camp Ashraf. I personally received my death sentence that was handed over to me by Zohreh Qaemi (because they were informed of my decision to leave the group) I am one of those tortured patients in the organization. I shortly describe the medieval tortures I suffered personally.It’s not possible to describe or even number the tortures I bore in here. It requires me to write a book in the future in order to tell the story of my grieves:After three meetings that were held as my trials…

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