Membership in the MEK as a cult

Interview with Mahmoud Dashtestani – Part2

If they are really sure that all members have been melted in Maryam’s revolution, why are they so worried about any mistake made by members and they try to keep them under their control?In Ashraf there are various security units such as street patrolling, regional protection, road security, gates security, Ashraf security,… if they claim that members have been unified with Maryam’s revolution, why these too many bars?

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Interview with Mahmoud Dashtestani– Part1

now that I am in Iran, if you ask me how I feel, I tell you that I have one precious thing here; freedom. Here, my mind, my sole, my emotions, my feelings, my life are free. I am free to choose what to eat, what to wear, where to go. You are totally free in your life and that’s what you can never imagine in Camp Ashraf where everything begins and ends in the leader and his will.

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Who dares to criticize MKO?

The MKO is going on the same way that led the Soviet Union to its collapse. Totalitarian organizations believe that absolute truth belongs to themselves so they should fight any person or group who do not accept their strategy and ideology. The logic of MKO leaders is based on what the conditions impose on the organization and the consequent policies they choose. ..

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Member – Leader relationship within MKO cult

The internal relation in MKO/MEK/PMOI has been based on “ambition” and “obedience” as the two faces of same coin. The “ambitions” of leaders lead to “obedience” of members. Such a notorious relationship makes a horrifying network of terror and cult-like practices. .Long term membership in such a cult paralyzes logic and common sense of individuals and paves the way for manipulative practices …member becomes an automatic machine which works under the leader’s order. Thus they are always prepared to be sent for suicide operations.

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(Memoirs of Batul Soltani – Part 6)if you have not been a member of the MKO cult, it is too hard to understand what the “systematic control” is. I will mention some aspects of it which I myself used to control members with…For the MKO leaders, it is not important what the defector wants to do. The only crucial thing is whether she will or won’t talk against the MKO. Only her silence matters. They want the defectors to leave, keep quiet and die…

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Cult victims arrested in Finland need psychological help

Two leading Mojahedin-e Khalq members, Hadi Roshanravani (62) and Mohammad-Ali Jaberzadeh Ansari (60) have been arrested by Interpol on entering Finland some days ago. Iran-Interlink believes that extradition of the men to Iran will not serve anybody’s interests.we do believe that as members of a destructive cult (the Mojahedin-e Khalq) they must not be handed back to the MKO on their release. We urge the Finnish authorities to put aside the political rhetoric which surrounds the arrest of these victims and look at the evidence of psychological manipulation used by the cult to coerce and control its membership.

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Unsaid stories on a castle called Ashraf

(Memories of Batul Soltani – Part 4)Maryam and Masud cheering made an atmosphere and asked the person:” Ok, now what must you give?” Or “what have you hidden?” they pressured the member mentally and at the end he was prepared for divorce. The person had to write and sign the feature of his dependence on his spouse, his problems and thoughts. Then he had continual meetings so as he can ideologically divorce the marriage in his mind. Thus the leaders of Mujahedin/PMOI/MEK/MKO could have a better control on the members’ emotions and feelings. The next step was to cut the remaining emotional point: children.

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Mujahedin Organizational Contradictions

How do the Mujahedin cult leaders allow themselves to enter the individuals’ private personal space and manipulate them by psychological methods? I didn’t agree the divorce and marriage of Maryam Rajavi ..when I was in Camp Ashraf I stated my defection from MKO/PMOI, so I was immediately taken to the group’s prison in Debes in Northern Iraq. After a year, they sent me to the refugee camp in Romadi where the condition was very bad but of-course better than that of MKO.

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Enforced internal intelligence activities in MKO

Mojahedin-e Khalq organization resorts to brainwashing and controlling techniques as well as engaging in other blameful activities such as training spies in a way different from other political and security systems…We usually strive to reveal in others the blemishes we hide in ourselves. Thus when the frustrated congregate in a mass movement, the air is heavy-laden with suspicion. There is prying and spying, tense watching and a tense awareness of being watched.

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The inside and outside members of the Mujahedin Cult

Cults generally tend to function in isolation … However, for some purposes cults need to make contact with the outside world, that is, recruiting new members, fundraising and more. Sending the members to live among the free society is even more crucial when the cult comes to be a hypocritically political one that needs the society as the wheels to push the cult forth. ..Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI), or Mojahedin Cult as it is notoriously referred to, may be the sole political cult of personality that avails big number of live-in and live-out members.

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