Membership in the MEK as a cult

N.Y. Judge Green-Lights Trial for Terrorism Case

A federal judge in Brooklyn has upheld a terrorism prosecution against a U.S. citizen working for a group violently opposed to the Iranian government. Zeinab Taleb-Jedi had argued that her indictment for providing material support to a foreign terrorist organization was outrageous because the group to which she belongs, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), has been working with the U.S. military in Iraq.

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Crown makes its case against Iranian refugee

..Helen Park presented the government’s reasoning behind its recommendation that Tameh be declared inadmissible for permanent residency status in Canada …Tameh was a cell leader in the Mujahedin-e-Khalq group (MEK) when he lived in his native Iran from 1979 to 1982. Even as late as 1993, after he was imprisoned for his support, Tameh was warning its members that the police were after them,…

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Mojahedin Khalq Leader on trial in USA

Taleb-Jedi, 52, escaped serious harm. But more than five years later, she remains stuck in legal limbo in New York, facing federal terrorism charges labeling her a leader of a militant group(Mujahedin) advocating the violent overthrow of the Iranian government. … Originally a Marxist-Islamist group, the People’s Mujahedeen/PMOI formed in the mid-1960s to oppose the U.S.-backed dictatorship of the late Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. During the 1970s, it killed U.S. citizens working in Tehran, supported the 1979 takeover of the American Embassy there and participated in Iran’s Islamic Revolution, according to the State Department…

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compliance with ethical obligations

… As a terrorist group, MKO considered violence and aggressive actions as ethical and legitimate for the accomplishment of the cause since the Machiavellian motto of “the end justifies the means” permitted it to take advantage of any unconventional and violent means in the power struggle. As Walter Reich explains; “A terrorist if considers something ethical, according to his understanding of ideology, it turns to be accepted ethics by all members. Thus, according to that same ideology, the killing of anybody as enemy would be justifiable and necessary”…

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The victims of terrorism never cheer for terrorists’ victory

As reported by MKO’s official website, the Iraqi News Agency in an article entitled ‘Ashraf people win again’ stated “the skies of London, Paris and Ashraf embraced the new victorious and jubilant cheers for removing the terrorist tag from the PMOI. ….. The members’ avalanche-like drift to TIPF indicates their desperate attempt to be relieved of the painful misery there …A few have also committed suicide because they could not bear the imposed pressure and failed to join others in TIPF…Many wonder that how can the captives in Ashraf, many of them women, ever chant jubilant cheers for removing the terrorist tag

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Continuous monitoring of the individuals active in cults

From the Manson family to the Moonies, the Waco sect to the Jonestown massacre, the activities of cults prompt great public concern and many NGOs and government-run agencies have devoted their resources to monitoring the activities of deviant groups. In the US alone the media continually warn of the dangers of cultic brainwashing strategies and the FBI continues to monitor closely religious groups they perceive to be potential dangers.

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Alforat TV reports on Mohammady family

Mohammadi told Al Forat:”when I was looking for my daughter who had been kidnapped with her brother Mohammad Mohammadi ten years ago, in Iraq, I found out that she is under physical and mental pressure by the MKO’s agents” . And Mohamadi stressed that he has submitted an appeal against them and an Iraqi court has issued the arrest warrant for three people of the leaders. He noted that the group prevents his daughter from returning to Canada.

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Dwindling of MKO’s Social Prestige

Rajavi’s hurried and unreasoning resort to armed phase followed by an illogically drawn timetable of short-term toppling of Iranian regime heavily affected the internal and external relations of Mojahedin. The third factor that forced the organization to cling to the alternate of the ideological revolution was the gradual dwindling of its social prestige and legitimacy

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Maryam Rajavi and Camp Ashraf: Cult Hallmarks of MKO

Terror-exaltation is not the chief approach manipulated by certain cults and Mojahedin in particular. In his few messages delivered from his hideout in the past recent years, Rajavi has particularly provoked continuation of suicidal operations as an emergency exit from the raised crisis. The self elected leader of Mojahedin has …

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Psychological Techniques to Cultivate Ideology was through providing due backgrounds and taking unique approaches. These adopted approaches, according to MKO ex-members, were similar to the techniques utilized by the past and contemporary cults and were applied as leverages to coerce insiders into absolute obedience to Rajavi’s totalitarian and ideological leadership..

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