Membership in the MEK as a cult

Mojahedin’s Mannerism against Opponents and Defectors

NCR was a turning point in the history of MKO that promised a peaceful coexistence of Mojahedin with other political movements. Unfortunately, after a short while and due to MKO hegemonic ambitions of Rajavi, the NCR failed to preserve its coherence and suffered a crushing dissolution. A brief look at the course of events of MKO up to 20 June 1981 and its continuous friction with other political movements …

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Anne Singleton Interview with BBC Yorkshire Radio Leeds

It is a word which resonates with people. More familiarly I would call it ‘mind control techniques. These are well-known, well-documented. For years and years destructive cults have been using them. The way that they work in essence is that they will take a perfectly ordinary person and strip that person of their values using specific psychological manipulation.

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Former members: Terrorist MKO Facing a Standoff

Two former members of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organisation (MKO), Ebrahim Khodabandeh and Jamil Bassam, said that the organisation has reached the dead-end, and the countdown has started for its decline. Khodabandeh and Bassam, both 54, became members of the MKO in 1983 and quit the terrorist organisation four years ago.

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Documentary on Somayeh Mohammadi Wins Intl. Award

The film focuses on an Iranian family’s attempt to rescue their daughter from an MEK camp in Iraq. Almost a decade ago, Somayeh Mohammady left Toronto to go to Iraq to learn about her family history. Instead, she was forced to stay at Camp Ashraf, a terrorist camp. She remains there, brainwashed.

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The Purport of Individuality in Mojahedin Cult (7)

the groups and organizations that adhere to Marxism in violent warfare and social struggle have the same understanding of individuality. In some instances, they blend Marxist views with that of religious instructions while considering a priority for the former over the latter. For these organizations, individuality means smearing revolutionary values

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MKO crafty offer to parent Iraqi children

Besides being mistreated and abused for military purposes, children were exploited as fundraising tools in Western countries. That is the way the Mojahedin cult looks upon children. Now, at the time when the Iraqi government intends to expel MKO, its leader is playing another trick to hide the group’s terrorist intentions behind a humanitarian mask. Maryam Rajavi in her speech made on 30 June in a Paris rally surprised many people who are familiar with the group’s cult-like

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‘Agents of the Intelligence Ministry of Iran’ – Understanding Mojahedin Activity from a Cult Perspective

The meeting was unfortunately disrupted by an unusually large number of Mojahedin cult members who had lain in wait at the venue in order to prevent people speaking. Regardless of the implications for freedom of speech in a European country, this kind of disruption has become emblematic of the Mojahedin’s inability to even vaguely disguise its cult nature.

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White, female – and a Mujahed

Anne Singleton from Leeds felt superhuman when she joined the Mujahedin fighting the Iranian government. Having discarded her Kalashnikov, she tells Billy Briggs her remarkable story to prevent others falling prey to cults and extremism

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