Membership in the MEK as a cult

Ann Singleton Interview with BBC(Asian Network)

Ann Singleton has a past unlike most people working for the Iranian Mujahedin in Iraq attempting for the overthrow the Iranian government. Today I’m talking to her about her experiences and the lessons that she learned. I will ask her about the feeling of working with a terrorist organization, fighting in the desert and how did she get involved with them in the first place?

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LK Today program on GMTV (England)

The individuals were completely unaware of what the cult did with him or her. At first you think they are very sincere and self scarifying people but actually they model a kind of special behavior to you which you get drawn into that kind of behavior that you start to mirror and take it on yourself.

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I am a trained Islamic terrorist

She says: “I didn’t question anything. I was shown a film of a female suicide bomber blowing up an ayatollah in Iran. It was horrific and very shocking at first. “But they showed me the film so many times that I got less and less distressed. Eventually I didn’t bat an eyelid. Of course, I heard politicians and journalists describing the group as extreme but I dismissed it and assumed they didn’t understand.

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Women Lured by Mojahedin-e Khalq, the Religious Cult

the Mojahedin cult’s leaders Massoud and Maryam Rajavi are deceptive, exploitive masters of mind control who can weave pernicious spells capable of holding followers in thrall for decades, especially the women…Some former women members describe being forced into marrying men that they did not know. Then, in 1990 the leader of the MEK cult ordered all the members to divorce. This meant that all the married couples in the MEK must divorce without any question or protest.

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‘How I was brainwashed by the Tank Girls’

Today Miss Singleton recalls with horror how the group, which is based in Iraq and wants to overthrow Iran’s current regime, was able to convince her to give up her life in the UK and travel abroad with them as a brainwashed slave. Her indoctrination, conversion and submission to the MKO happened gradually over a period of ten years.

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Laur de Charette Interviewed Mr. Ali Moradi

They had the freedom flag in their hand but they revolted against freedom. They themselves violated the human rights. They said:”outside our camp the people are starving from hunger or addiction. The people are hung and their heads are hung of the trees”. Any one who tried to escape the organization was delivered to Abu Qoraib in case of being arrested. The life there was evil.

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Rajavi cult victims are not a political football

The panic, however, was not over events in Iraq or Iran – to where over 500 Mojahedin members have already been safely repatriated under an ongoing amnesty agreement – but over the realignment of the political map of the US government in which Rajavi’s erstwhile supporters were the main losers.

The actual fate of the 3,000 remaining residents of Camp Ashraf is the last of Rajavi’s concerns;

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Crisis of MKO Families Hightens

MKO leaders have repeatedly forced MKO members to stand against their families; these families had asked to meet their loved ones or they had written letters to the international communities asking for the savior of their loved ones.MKO’s Gestapo has also forced these members to go to the US forces guarding Camp Ashraf and complaint about their families! …

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U.S. citizen found in Iraq charged with supporting terror group-MEK

A naturalized U.S. citizen from Iran who was found in Iraq was indicted on charges of providing support to a terrorist organization that seeks to overthrow the current Iranian regime, federal prosecutors said. Zeinab Taleb-Jedi, 51, was indicted Friday by a federal grand jury in New York on one count of providing material support to a foreign terrorist organization.

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Mojahedin took me to Iraq and taught me to kill.

In l985 the mujahedin leader Massoud Rajavi took over and married a woman called Maryam whose role was to encourage women to break away from male control. As a feminist, this appealed to me. They had used bombers from the early 1980s. They said they wanted to break the atmosphere of terror by killing their oppressors, and it seemed noble.

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