MKO former members

Human Rights activists to denounce the Cult of Rajavi

Human Rights activists held a rally in front of the European Parliament in Brussels to denounce the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO). Honoring the World Day against Death Penalty, the participants of the rally who all used to be high ranking members of the MKO/MEK/PMOI, carried pictures and placards to reveal the true face of the group.

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The Youngest defector of the MKO recounts his story

Bayram who is terrified by the MKO aka MEK/PMOI terrorist group, asks to leave the group’s cult-like bars but he is told that he should wait!So, he waits as long as 14 years. ”Fourteen years of waiting, separation from family and society and having no access to the free world,” he says….

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Mojtaba Bidaqi fled Camp Liberty

He was first recruited by the MKO/MEK/PMOI recruiters in Turkey in 1984 when he had gone there to find job. He was trapped by the MKO agents and were sent to Camp Ashraf where he was brainwashed under the cult structure for 31 years.Mojtaba’s brother, Amir was also recruited by the MKO. Last year he defected from the group after he was relocated in Albania.

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