MKO former members

MKO defector return home from Albania

Mansour Shaabani returned his hometown after 27 years of imprisonment in the camps of the Mujahedin khalq Organization aka MKO/MEK/PMOI.Shaabani was relocated in Albania two years ago. Finally he succeeded to get back to Iran by the help Iranian officials on May 10th, 2015…

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Pictorial- Mr. Mansour Shaabani wishes to back to his homeland

..Then the MKO Cult mercenaries tricked him into joining the group. From then on he has been far from his family and homeland.Mansour’s brother – Mr. Jahangir Shaabani says:” during the last years we several times traveled to Iraq to visit our brother. However not only didn’t we succeed to visit Mansour, but also the Cult leaders insulted and offended us. “Anyway, fortunately on March 2014 my brother transferred to Albania

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Former MKO Member Return Home

On Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015, Mr. Jamshid Dahmardeh returned home after 27 years of separation from his family.Mr. Dahmardeh was taken as a war prisoner in an MKO – run cross-border operation to fight Iranian soldiers called Hanif during the Iran – Iraq war, in 1987.

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