MKO former members

MKO former members recount woes at Camp Ashraf

The day before the group’s rally this year, former MKO members held a press event, which was attended by just one other journalist. The lack of media interest reflects how Europe chooses to ignore the indisputable human rights violations of a group described by former members as a horrific cult.

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Defected Members Urge EU to Prevent Free Traveling of MKO Ringleaders

The defected members of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as MEK, NCRI and PMOI) in different statements called on the European countries to prevent the free traveling of the MKO ringleaders and members in their cities.The statements which were sent to the European countries’ presidents and parliament speakers underlined the MKO’s record of…

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Pictorial- MEK Former members book sale in Cologne

Former members of the MEK held a book sale and picket on 19 June in Cologne to draw attention to the situation of Camp Liberty, and Rajavi’s unchallenged hold on the 3000+ hostages there. They also protested the free hand given to Paris based Maryam Rajavi to promote her terrorist agenda in Europe.

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Ex-MKO members recount ordeals at Camp Ashraf

“What I saw and endured at the MKO’s Camp Ashraf is opposite of what they say here in Europe. There is no freedom for women. They cannot talk to men, wear make-up and are even forced to have abortions… I wanted to leave there for a long time and finally escaped,” said Nasrin Ebrahimi, a former MKO member, in the French capital, Paris.

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Ex-MKO members recount woes at Iraq camp

Every year the anti-Iranian terrorist group, Mujaheedin-e Khalq Organization, or MKO/MEK, holds a rally in a Parisian suburb to try and present itself as a normal political party.Some Western politicians appear and are paid a hundred thousand dollars or more. Tens of thousands of people attend, but look closely and you’ll see that few in the crowd are actually Iranians.

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Why such a reaction to defection of two NCR members?

The announcement of the NCR was allegedly signed by the so-called signatories who signed the group’s announcement against Qasim and Rowhani and according to Hossein nejad 90 percent of them are currently in Iraq so they were absent at the NCR’s meeting held in Paris! Therefore, no challenge and criticism was posed in the meeting.

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Memoirs of Nasrin Ebrahimi, MKO ex- member_Part 4

The self-criticism meetings were actually trials where you had no attorney, no right to defend yourself. You had to hear your comrades verbally abuse you. During the trial, there was no justice; nothing was fair… That was why in Ashraf the word Meeting was the equivalent of Stress and Fear. That was why, with my eyes I begged that girl who had found me listening to music, asking her not to tell it to anyone!

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Memoirs of Nasrin Ebrahimi, MKO ex- member_Part 3

We were given necklaces by Massoud that meant that we were connected to the leadership. As we were going ahead in meetings, new subjects would emerge. For example, after we got the necklaces, the subject “4 walls” [chardivari] was proposed; the meaning of the new subject was that we had an owner, named Massoud Rajavi. Maryam Rajavi typically told us:”You have the most handsome and the best husband in the world. How a married woman let herself think of another man?..

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