MKO former members

Memoirs of Nasrin Ebrahimi, MKO ex- member _ Part 2

I remember Maryam Rajavi’s arrest in Paris in 2003. After she was jailed by French judiciary because of money laundry activities and conducting terrorist acts, she said:”I expected to be jailed by the Iranian Regime not by a freedom loving country like France.” I should tell Mrs. Rajavi:” Mrs. Rajavi, Me and other people like me expected to be in the prisons of the Islamic Republic not in the prisons of the Rajavis who claim and chant that much of slogans!”

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Memoirs of Nasrin Ebrahimi, MKO ex- member_Part1

…. In a short time Rajavi found out that female members of the group can better run his plans. This way, women would think that they were promoted in the cult hierarchy and they would feel superior over their male comrades…Massoud Rajavi made women feel that they owe their position to him …

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MKO ex-members provide testimony to Kurd genocide

“Recent humanitarian act by Swedish Parliament on condemning killing of Kurds by MEK members gives the impetus for us to provide witness to MEK/MKO/PMOI crimes in Iraq in 1991,” says the letter. “We have been witness to Masoud Rajavi’s and Maryam Qajar Azdanlu’s order on killing Kurds. In those days of waging war against the Iraqi Kurds, Maryam Rajavi ordered the MEK armed forces to “run over the Kurds ..

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17 MKO members defect from terrorist group, reports say

group of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) members have reportedly defected from the terrorist group as internal dissensions intensify within the MKO…A former MKO/MEK/PMOI member, speaking on condition of anonymity, said he managed to escape from the former US military base near Baghdad International Airport on December 5, despite strict measures ..

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Reza Rajabzadeh to Escape the Cult of Rajavi

Former member of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO), Reza Rajabzadeh left it after 23 years of membership behind the bars of the cult-like group… his old mother, who was so happy and eager to meet her beloved son, told Gilan office that the life of her son, his wife and two children was ruined by the Rajavis.

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MKO defector, Hassan Sharqi returns home

Hassan Sharqi returned his homeland following the release from the Cult of Rajavi (the MKO aka MEK/PMOI). After settlement in a hotel in Baghdad, Mr. Sharqi contacted his family. Consequently the calls with family, particularly his old mother made him determined to get back home by the help of the governments of Iran and Iraqi.

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The fifth person to leave TTL in the past weeks

Mr. Tarqi Saleh, 47, was a high ranking member of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization who left the MKO/MEK/PMOI after 22 years and joined UN forces installed at camp Liberty, on Monday, Dec.3, 2012.Following the evacuation of camp Ashraf, the Cult leaders have to impose more severe mind control system and work time schedule over members in order to keep the members’ minds …

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Defections on the rise, the MKO in decline

Three of the recently defected members are from one family: Arzin Dialeh, the father…Nasrollah Tokhm Afshan was the fourth person who fled the Cult of Rajavi[MKO/MEK/PMOI] last week. He was a high-ranking official of the group, according to FNA report. Tokhm Afshan succeeded to pass numerous security obstacles of the cult after several years of dissent…

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Majid Mohammadi speaks of cult-like practices at TTL

I mean that the organizational control and cult-like practices exercised by the Rajavis, at Camp Liberty was worse than those applied at Camp Ashraf. MKO leaders knew that Liberty is not like Ashraf. It’s not an isolated, closed location with no access to the outside world so they enhanced the organizational control in Liberty to prevent defection and eventually the collapse of the cult.

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Fakharzadeh, MKO members left the group after 20 years

He was handed to Iraqi authorities after he passed legal process in UNAMI and UNHCR. It is worth to mention that MKO leaders usually hold 3 to 4 hours meetings to manipulate members before they go to UN office to fill out asylum seeking forms and then they will let them go there, because they fear their defection.

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