MKO former members

Recent Human Rights Violation in the Mujahedin – Part1

Statement of Massoud Tayebi, the dissociated Vice President of the Army Staff Headquarters and a member of the Central Council of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (aka MKO, PMOI, NCRI, Rajavi’s cult, MEK)..I realized how cruel and unfair the Mujahedin really are by holding such trial. This made me think and, after 23 years of serving this Organization, I decided to disassociate myself from the Mujahedin. I hold it necessary to notify others of my disassociation with the Mujahedin

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Mrs. Maleki Letter to the US Secretary of States concerning MKO

Its ideology is a combination of Marxism and Islam.Their ideology is based on fighting against capitalism and they believe that the United States of America is the symbol of global capitalism and they call the USA ‘the World-Eater Imperialism’. Their ideological principle and objective is based on fighting against the United States and its interests, and in this regard they have written and published many books such as, The Carter Presidency (World Eater Imperialism).

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Interview with Mahmoud Dashtestani – Part3

You can never ask about two things in MKO. Money and Massoud Rajavi….Ashraf is a symbol in the Rajavi’s cult..The psychological atmosphere ruling Ashraf has been created in a way that you never let such questions cross your mind…. MKO has based its activities on protection of this symbol, but the proper symbol links them to their terrorist background which was justified by”armed struggle”. After the disarmament of MKO and gradual defection of forces Ashraf symbol, turned into an abandoned prison

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Interview with Mahmoud Dashtestani – Part2

If they are really sure that all members have been melted in Maryam’s revolution, why are they so worried about any mistake made by members and they try to keep them under their control?In Ashraf there are various security units such as street patrolling, regional protection, road security, gates security, Ashraf security,… if they claim that members have been unified with Maryam’s revolution, why these too many bars?

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Ashraf residents escape the cult

Mr. Mehrdad amiri, 35, and Mr. Hojat Rafiee, 42 were captured in Camp Ashraf of MKO for more than ten years. They told the families that they decided to runaway although they were seriously terrified by MKO leaders of being arrested by Iraqi forces or Iranian Intelligence.”.. The women in the group are frightened of being raped so they fear to escape mote than their male comrades,”they said.

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On the return of Mr. Amiri and Mr. Rafiee

Mr. Mehrdad Amiri and Mr. Hojat Rafiee residents of Camp Ashraf escaped the cult on Saturday October2, 2010 at 2 O’clock am…were captured in Camp Ashraf of MKO for more than ten years. They told the families that they decided to runaway although they were seriously terrified by MKO leaders of being arrested by Iraqi forces or Iranian Intelligence

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