MKO former members

Stop taking our beloveds as hostages!

The meeting began with the speeches of Mr. Ebrahim Khodabande, a former political activist of MKO in England. He described the studies made on cults during years, stressing that all the cults have the same nature in brainwashing and psychologically manipulating of the members, forcing them to divorce, separating the children from their parents.

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Humantarian issue of 120 disaffected members of Muhajedine Khalq in Iraq

According to the reports received in the last few days by Anjomane Solh, the Peace Association Norway, about 120 people of the disaffected people escaped from the TIPF in a extremely grave condition. Some of them might be remained in a terrible position in different cities of Iraq or some of them might be able to reach near with the borders of Jordan and Turkey to ease them from danger circumstances of Iraq .

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Symposium on Terrorism in Iraq

Mr Khodabandeh emphasised the cult culture of terrorist organisations and the methods they use to brainwash their followers. He also gave examples of foreign support by some influential groups and parties who facilitate the flow of finance for terrorism. Not the least the relationship between the remainders of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, London, Washington and other countries with the Mojahedin Khalq Organisation, and the way this relationship is becoming clear in the escalation of violence in Diyali province

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A letter from Dr. Torabi on behalf of 8 UNHCR refugees

These 8 people aged 30-50 are from a larger group of 200 Iranian nationals and former members of Mojaheddin Khalkh Organization (MKO), an opposition group fighting against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Following Saddam’s downfall, these people seized the opportunity to leave MKO and take refuge in an American-run camp called Temporary International Presence Facility

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Seminar on Releasing Captives of MKO Terrorist Cult

She described that giving high commanding positions to the women is a sham gesture taken by the MKO while the truth is that women are expected to work even harder than men and their emotions are also systematically suppressed more. She clarified that members are expected to dislike whoever they adored before particularly the members of their family. She also explained that all discontented members are labeled as being metal cases. Miss Dashti also referred to the high level of dissatisfaction amongst the forces inside the Ashraf Camp who find no way out.

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Awareness to Canadian on MKO attacks

The violence action in Paris on June 17, 2007, was orchestrated by Mr. Mohammad Hayati who is a top aide to Mr. and Mrs. Rajavi, who recently left MKO Military base in Iraq , Ashraf , Mr. Mohammad Hayati was one of the top commander of National Liberation Army who are responsible for many human tragedy during Iraq and Iran war .

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