MKO former members

Panel of Mujahedin-e Khalq Cult critics

They analyzed Massoud Rajavi’s three decade of wrong policies and analysis in Iraq.They also reviewed the MKO Cult’s expulsion from Iraq, relocation in Albania and its consequences and how the Cult leaders deal with this issue.The MKO/MEK/PMOI critics denounced the Cult’s efforts to deceive the public opinion into considering this strategic”great defeat”as a”great victory”…..

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Former members denounce the MKO cult in Koln

Former members who actively denounce the MKO destructive cult held a protest gathering in Koln, Germany on Saturday, September 3rd, 2016. Participants at the rally declared their support for the MKO/MEK/PMOI hostages’ families’ certain right of visiting their loved ones. Sympathizing with the suffering families

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Mujahedin-e Khalq Cult defectors take action in Germany

Participants at the rally declared their support for the MKO/MEK/PMOI hostages’ families’ certain right of visiting their loved ones. Sympathizing with the suffering families, they urged the human rights bodies to facilitate their visit with their beloved family members.They also warned Europe about the threat of the MKO destructive cult entry and spread through their states. …

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Were Saudis behind Abbas-MEK meeting?

a coalition of Palestinian groups condemned Abbas’ meeting. A statement by the group read that the meeting can only hurt relations between Palestinian groups and Iran, which has helped Palestinian resistance groups more than Arab countries have since the 1979 revolution. The statement viewed Abbas’ meeting as being in line with Saudi policies in the region….

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Great gathering of Mujahedin-e Khalq Cult critics in Paris

Recounting their ordeals, ex-members exposed the deceptive, inhumane and cultic nature of the MKO. The action welcomed by French citizens as well as Iranians residing there. Ms. Batoul Soltani, Ms. Homeira Mohammadnejad, Ms. Zahra Moeini and Mr. Issa Azadeh as first hand witnesses, shared their experiences within the cult with the spectators…

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MKO Cult was exposed at the city of its headquarters

MKO/MEK/PMOI defectors denounced the group as a destructive cult which attacked its own members’ families in front their base in Iraq[Camp Liberty].The brochures involved also the French foreign Ministry as well as France’s Media and research institutions’ analysis on the Mujahedin-e Khalq as an undemocratic, violent Cult…

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Defectors to reveal the Cult of Rajavi in Paris

Regarding that the MKO/MEK/PMOI is launching its so-called annual Great Gathering next week on July 9th in Paris, defectors worked hard to warn Europe about the reality of the Mujahedin Khalq, the undemocratic atmosphere ruling this cult and its dark history of violence and human rights abuse.They want Europe to beware that the MKO cult is neither a political movement nor an opposition group

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Former members of MKO Cult at Poland Embassy in France

The meeting lasted for more than three hours. The delegation exposed the Rajavi’s Cult illegal and clandestine activities in Poland including the group’s efforts in deceiving the public opinion esp. the youth into participating its June 9th gathering in Paris- which is to honor the group’s start of armed struggle against the current Iranian government. The ex-members also exposed the terrorist, inhumane nature of the MKO Cult presenting

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