Members of the MEK under arrest

Khalis police arrest MEK members on terrorism charges

police arrested eleven people on Sunday 11 December in the Khalis district who were of different nationalities, all with fake IDs. They were arrested while in vehicles which were masquerading as governmental vehicles coming out of Camp Ashraf. The source, who declined to be named at this point of time, said that two of the suspects where U.S. citizens and three of them were members of the Mojahedin Khalq, all speaking fluent Arabic…

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Iraq detains six MKO terrorists

Iraqi security forces have detained six members of the terrorist Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) in Camp Ashraf located north of the capital Baghdad.According to the Iraqi government, the MKO members were taken into custody for interrogation during Friday’s clashes with security forces.The Iraqi parliament has passed legislation, under which the government is obliged to expel members of the terrorist organization.

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Six Mojahedin Khalq members arrested in Diala, Iraq

… “The six MEK members were arrested by Iraqi forces in accordance with Article 413 of the law after they were suspected of involvement in recent incidents in the camp that left dozens of its inhabitant and Iraqi security forces killed or wounded,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency. He did not elaborate on the nature of charges that will be pressed against them. ..“The Iranian group clashed with the Iraqi forces, prompting the Iraqi security to open fire on them, killing three MEK refugees,” an Iraqi security source said …

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Mojahedin Khalq failed to rescue its agents

… Heidar Moslehi told IRIB Thursday night that the nabbed individual was recruiting agents besides his routine plans. Moslehi noted that the individual was an Iranian national and the ministry has kept an eye on him since months ago. The minister said another individual has been arrested by the ministry in connection to the killings of two Iranian citizens during the riots. The individual is an agent of the terrorist MKO group and the group has exhausted its possibilities to help him to exit Iran, ..

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Iran overcomes US-backed Mossad

..the Islamic Republic has succeeded in overcoming the so-called strong Israeli intelligence service Mossad supported by the US and Western states..Israeli and NATO officials had meetings with members of terrorist cells, including Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK), Jundallah and the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), to achieve their own objectives.

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Iran Arrests Mojahedin Khalq Terror team

…”No doubt, agents behind recent terrorist incident will be brought to book,”said Hojjatoleslam Reissi here on Friday while delivering his pre-sermon address to large groups of Friday prayers worshipers. Hojjatoleslam Reissi said as far as assassination of Iranian professor Dr. Majid Shahriari is concerned, the terrorist Mujahideen Khalq Organization (MKO) was behind collection of information and identification of possible target for Israelis. To impede Iran’s movement forward in the nuclear domain, said Hojjatoleslam Khatami, the enemies resort to any tactic, including assassination of the country’s nuclear scientists …

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Interior Ministry announces receipt of arrest warrants for 38 leaders and members of MKO

… The source said, in an interview with Alsumaria News, that the Mojahedin is accused of killing thousands of Iraqi citizens in coordination with the Iraqi security forces to suppress the uprising of March 1991, indicating that the investigations carried out proved the participation of members of the MKO in quelling the rebelling southern provinces and the north.”…

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Iraq begins top MKO members’ arrest

Iraq’s Supreme Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants for MKO leaders Masoud Rajavi and Maryam Rajavi…”We have received a letter from Iraq’s Supreme Criminal Court which contains the names of 38 senior members of the MKO,”Fars News Agency quoted Iraqi Deputy Interior Minister Ayden Khalid Qader as saying on Sunday.The letter has called on the Interior Ministry to begin an immediate operation to arrest the criminals and hand them over to the judiciary, he added.

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Iraqi court seeks arrest of MKO leaders for crimes against humanity

…”An arrest warrant has been issued against 39 leaders and members of the organisation including the PMOI’s head Massoud Rajavi, due to evidence that confirms they committed crimes against humanity,”said Judge Mohammed Abdul-Sahib, a spokesman of the Iraqi High Tribunal. Rajavi’s wife Maryam, leader of the French-based National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), the PMOI’s (MKO/MEK) political wing, was also included in the warrant, Abdul Sahib added …

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Arrest warrants’ issued for MKO leaders

Iraq’s Supreme Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants for MKO leaders Masoud Rajavi and Maryam Rajavi.Iraq’s Supreme Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants for the leaders of the terrorist Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization, an Iraqi daily reports.Arrest warrants have been issued for Masoud Rajavi, his wife Maryam Rajavi, and 35 other MKO members..The warrants require the Iraqi Interior Ministry and the Interpol to arrest and hand over the wanted figures….

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