News on the MEK

US: Homeless woman was MKO top terrorist leader

The documents, obtained from Brooklyn court files on Monday, say two confidential informants in Iraq identified Zeinab Taleb-Jedi, 51, as a leader of the Mujahedeen Khalq aka MKO/MEK/PMOI. The group was identified in court papers as Mujahedin-e Khalq. One of the informants told the FBI that Taleb-Jedi was on a council”responsible for making leadership decisions for the organization, including approving specific acts of terrorism”against Iran, the papers said.

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PMOI denied families meetings with their captured children in Ashraf

… The Iraqi government continued throughout the last month to convince them of the need to deal with this situation in a humane and approved way to allow meeting between Iranian families and their children[captured by MKO/MEK/PMOI within Ashraf Base], and not to accept false statements and counterfeit, which accuses the Iraqi government of violating human rights laws. The failed negotiations have resulted in the …

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Ali al-Dabbagh :MKO have no status in Iraq

we are telling them[MKO/MEK/PMOI] we are working with the organizations, international organizations, to find a third country for them. We cannot keep them and Iraq be their third country. They have no hope to stay in this country..They have no status in Iraq. This is known for us, known for them, known for the United Nations,..

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MP: MKO Gravely Affected by Rigi’s Arrest

The plots hatched by the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) for stationing troops alongside Iran’s eastern borders were defused after Tehran arrested Abdolmalek Rigi, the most notorious terrorist ringleader at its eastern borders, an Iranian lawmaker said Saturday. ..Rigi on June 2 admitted receiving assistance from the MKO, but relations between the two anti-Iran terrorist groups had surfaced a long time ago

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MKO elements attacked the Iranian families

While preventing the Iranian families visit their relatives incarcerated in Ashraf Camp in Iraq’s Diyala Province, MKO/MEK/PMOI elements attacked the Iranian families and the Iraqi security forces accompanied them.Iranian families asked the Iraqi government to take urgent measures for the release of their children imprisoned in Ashraf Camp.

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Officials: Exclusion of Al-Mutlaq a blow to MKO and terrorism

.. Alkhaddran added that”al-Mutlaq is a strategic ally of the Mojahedin-e Khalq, who are terrorists, and is supportive of all armed organizations that are working to kill Iraqis. He demanded that the central government speed up the removal of the Organization beyond the borders of the country as a popular demand of the people of the province …

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Iraqi figures criticize MKO presence

A number of Iraqi political and media figures criticized the presence of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) on Iraqi soil.They insisted that the MKO members can not be regarded as political refugees, Habilian Association (families of Iranian terror victims) news website quoted Al-Fayhaa TV. The Iraqi figures also complained that the MKO presence in Iraq had become a real dilemma left by the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein.

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Rajavi, Rigi to make Joint Terror front

… In this meeting, [head of the Rigi group] Abdolmalek Rigi has met with a number of the operatives and commanders of the Hypocrites grouplet and has held talks with them. He announced that he would be ready to have any sort of cooperation [with MKO] in line with making a terrorist group under the name of the Armed Forces Organization of Mojahedin …

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Iraqi Deputy FM Stresses Expulsion of MKO Members

A senior Iraqi foreign ministry official on Tuesday underlined his government’s determination to expel members of the anti-Iran terrorist group, the Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO), from the country.”Transfer of MKO’s members to the South of Iraq is a preliminary to their final expulsion from Iraq,”Iraqi Deputy Foreign Minister Mohammad Haj Hamoud said at a meeting ..

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