News on the MEK

Kari Vogt criticized the Norwegian MPs invitation to Maryam Rajavi

Professor”Kari Vogt”the well known Norwegian Religious historian and Middle East expert Kari Vogt criticized the Norwegian MPs invitation to Maryam Rajavi, the leader of MKO terrorist group… First, it operates as US intelligence service in Iran what people of that type can do the best. Secondly, MKO’s military capacity, which the Americans can take advantage of, and give them free passage. ..

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Spanish court judgment about MKO should be local

… “Executing the judgment requires an approval from the Iraqi side,” Ahmed Anwar, a member of the Iraqi parliament legal committee, told Aswat al-Iraq news agency on Monday… “The court is not international, and I question whether the Spanish government would adopt this issue from the legal and political standpoints,” Anwar said..“There are Iraqi-U.S. discussions with respect to the MKO/MEK/PMOI issue,The MKO operatives in Iraq, hosted in Ashraf Camp..

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Maliki: No place for the Mojahedin Khalq in Iraq

… Our demand is fair, we do not force them to return to Iran and do not allow them to stay permanently in Camp Ashraf. There is no place for them in Iraq after the crimes they have committed against the Iraqi people by exercising their terrorism and because of their cooperation with the Baathists and their interference in Iraq’s domestic affairs …

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Iraq Pursuing Policy on Expulsion of MKO Members

Iran’s ambassador to Iraq on Saturday announced that the Baghdad government is seriously pursuing its policy on the expulsion of the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) from the country.”Based on our information, the government of Iraq is preparing preliminary measures for transferring the group’s members from Camp Ashraf to Samawah Province (Southeast of Baghdad),”Iranian Ambassador to Baghdad Hassan Kazzemi Qomi told FNA.

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Maysan Council refuses to take PMOI base in the province

… He pointed out that”There are documents and documentary tapes which stress that the organization carried out terrorist acts against people of the province and in coordination with the previous security which was aimed at the elimination of rebellion.”… Moreover, a member of the security committee of the Board of Maysan, Maytham, told Aswat al-Iraq that”the presence of the MKO on the territory of Iraq is a violation of the constitution ..

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Muthanna provincial council refused the transfer of Camp Ashraf to Samawah

…”The rejection of the Commission’s request matched the view that the”hypocrites organisation”will be a heavy burden on the people of this province which is peaceful and quiet.”He added that”the existence of Camp Ashraf, especially in the countryside of Samawah would present major threats to its security …”The rejection of the Commission’s request matched the view that the”hypocrites organisation”will be a heavy burden on the people of this province ..”the existence of Camp Ashraf, especially in the countryside of Samawah would present major threats to its security ..

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Iraq firm on extraditing MKO ringleaders to Iran

Tehran’s chief diplomat in Baghdad has said that Iraq is serious about handing over MKO ringleaders to Iran. Hassan Qazemi Qom told the Mehr News Agency that the Iraqi government is determined to expel the MKO group and it has already taken steps in this regard. ..since the Iraqi people are worried about the behavior of this group in their country and the Iraqi government has put the expulsion of the group on its agenda.

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Iraq to expel Washington Backed Mojahedin Khalq

… Second Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi parliament, Aref Tayfour, said MKO/MEK/PMOI members must be transferred to a third country far from Iraq and Iran to be unable to infiltrate the borders of the two countries … Late in July, Iraqi security forces stormed Camp Ashraf in Iraq’s Diyala province near the Iranian border and shut it down. Camp Ashraf had been housing some 3,500 members of the terrorist group for years.. The organization is also notorious for using cult-like tactics against its own members and for torturing and murdering its defectors.

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No country willing to accept MKO terrorists on its soil

Underlining the Iraqi government’s official position regarding MKO terrorist group Aref Tayfour said: So far, no country has expressed willingness to accept them in its soil.In a meeting with Iranian parliament speaker on Wednesday and referring to Larijani’s remarks about MKO/MEK/PMOI parasitical presence in Iraq Aref Tayfour also said: The Iraqi government is determined and is doing its best to displace and expel MKO from Iraq but until now no country has been ready to accept this terrorist group.

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