The MEK’s terrorist activities

McCain is using terrorist group MEK as his proxy war ally in the US covert war against Iran

Joachim Hagopian: John McCain has been caught regularly meeting with various terrorist groups for a number of years now. So this is really nothing new. The warmongering US traitor represents the military industrial complex and central bankers that both manufacture and profit most from war. McCain has proven to be a compromised politician owned and controlled by Israel through …

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MEK, the US’s proxy war ally!

Joachim Hagopian who is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer is also a regular contributor to Global Research, and In an interview with Balkans Post, he was asked about the meeting that former Arizona Senator John McCain had last month with the leader of the terrorist group Mujahedeen Khalq Organization (the MKO/ MEK/ the Cult of Rajavi)…

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Iranian anti-terror activists slam US support for MKO

At a meeting with Swiss Ambassador to Tehran Giulio Haas, who represents the US interests in Tehran, a group of representatives of the Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism (ADVT) presented an account of how their loved ones had been killed in different terror incidents in Iran, particularly the terror operations conducted by the MKO…

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Nasty deals with MKO terrorists

This short statement of the article is enough to learn that the MKO?MEK/PMOI is a cult-like group with deceptive methods of fund raising and brainwashed members who set themselves on fire to protest against the arrest of their She-guru; it has assassinated some US citizens while it is donating large amounts of money to some other US citizens!A few cases of the MKO’s paid sponsors are discussed in ….

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Iran: Joint Takfiri – MKO plot against Iran failed

President of the Supreme National Defense University of Iran described Takfiri (extremist) movements as a scheme to impede Iran’s regional influence, saying Takfiris even look for intelligence aid from the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (aka: Mojahedin Khalq, MEK, Rjavi cult) to harm Iran. Addressing a cultural ceremony in Tehran on Friday, Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi said there is clear evidence that …

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Yes, We Do Know the MEK Has a Terrorist Past

the United States government has blamed the MEK for killing three U.S. Army colonels and three U.S. contractors, bombing the facilities of numerous U.S. companies and killing innocent Iranians. Multiple administrations have rejected efforts by the MEK and its surrogates to claim that any bad acts were the result of what Torricelli calls “a Marxist group” …

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6 Years ago Today: CIA, Mossad and MEK Assassinated Iran’s Top Nuclear Scientist Majid Shahriari

Mossad planned and prepared the killing of Shahriari and the others, attacks which were almost certainly carried out by associates of the radical Marxist group Mujaheddin e Khalq (MEK). The assassinations were based on the false premise that Iran had a nuclear weapons program that could be disrupted by killing the scientists and technicians involved …

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